Where to hook a tow rope...


New member
I have a 2004 Chevy Impala and I have been wondering if there was a certain place to hook a tow rope if needed to get pulled out this winter. Ill be taking the car out on the ice for ice fishing so the chances of getting stuck might just be a possibility! I've tried finding out on line but I haven't found anything regarding a good spot to hook it up or in the owners manual for that matter! Any help would be great!


Active member
I have a 2004 Chevy Impala and I have been wondering if there was a certain place to hook a tow rope if needed to get pulled out this winter. Ill be taking the car out on the ice for ice fishing so the chances of getting stuck might just be a possibility! I've tried finding out on line but I haven't found anything regarding a good spot to hook it up or in the owners manual for that matter! Any help would be great!

To the frame otherwise you'll pull off the bumper lol


Active member
Might want to pack a chain n hook. ^^^^ The frame and pull back in the direction you came from


I have a 2004 Chevy Impala and I have been wondering if there was a certain place to hook a tow rope if needed to get pulled out this winter. Ill be taking the car out on the ice for ice fishing so the chances of getting stuck might just be a possibility! I've tried finding out on line but I haven't found anything regarding a good spot to hook it up or in the owners manual for that matter! Any help would be great!

you gota like a person that plans ahead.........but i think you are forgetting the most important part. How do I keep the batteries in the camera from freezing (aka if.....cough cough when you get stuck you must take pictures and post them).
we've got some pictures of my dad driving an impala on big winnie in the 80's. You'll be fine. I'd be more concerned with brining enough bait and jig colors than a rope. ;)


Well-known member
why are the Germans the only ones who build cars and have that little pop out tab on the bumper u screw the tow eye in to.
every race car has them. trucks most have built in hooks.
nothing on the American. I have rolled right past a few cars stuck in the ditch I could have yanked out in a matter of seconds but knew I would have to end up crawling under it to hook a strap


where ever you hook it be careful that it doesn't rip the bumper up. Hooking low and under a car with the strap going up to a truck can put a lot of upward pressure on the bumper cover.


New member
I wouldn't yank on anything underneath unless you absolutely have to. You could install a hitch if $ was no object. Maybe carry 2 pieces of junk carpet in your trunk that you could put in front of or behind your tires for traction aides?


if you hook to the frame where the bumper attaches you'll damage the bumper cover, I'd hook on to the entire upper/lower control and try an keep it out of the coil spring, just don't jerk it out and you'll be fine. Do it so the strap comes out under the lower arm instead of the upper and you won't tear into the bumper and cover. Use a long strap and hook on as low as you can to the tow vehicle.


Well-known member
and all this is more ez than the OEM welding a nut on the bumper mount and having a 2 buck threaded eye in the jack pac


New member
There is a reason the Germans put tie down eye there....and it isn't to get pulled out of the soup.

Pulling on one side of a frame is never a good thing either.

Take some time and make up a bonified tow cable made of steel and swaged to the correct length in a "Y" shape and pre-bolt it on to the rear frame. Tie it up to the rear license plate bracket with a zip tie or similar.

It will be out of the way, properly bolted to the sub-assembly and ready for use and will cost about $15.....Cheap insurance for a machine that really should not be goin off trail.


There is a reason the Germans put tie down eye there....and it isn't to get pulled out of the soup.

Pulling on one side of a frame is never a good thing either.

Take some time and make up a bonified tow cable made of steel and swaged to the correct length in a "Y" shape and pre-bolt it on to the rear frame. Tie it up to the rear license plate bracket with a zip tie or similar.

It will be out of the way, properly bolted to the sub-assembly and ready for use and will cost about $15.....Cheap insurance for a machine that really should not be goin off trail.

bull crap! lol now your gonna unsightly cables hanging from your vehicle. Not once and I mean never have I not been able to hook onto a car and get them out with any worried of damaging their vehicle. In a perfect world yes,,,you are correct, have a devise to help accommodate a pull out but for what this guy is looking to do is get a easy pull on ice, a strap onto the frame is a no brainer.


Well-known member
Just bought a new Honda Accord. Front and back tow strap connectors. Looks like it cost the OEM a 20 bucks. Why can't all mfg's do that??? Oh and for a 4 door big sedan its getting 38 MPGS!!!!! Gotta love it!!!


New member
Unsightly to you maybe....nice thing to have if you need to get pulled out.

Oh, and there is no such thing as an "easy" pull out of anywhere. Lenny you should know that trying to pull anything on ice isn't an easy task for the pull out vehicle....and anything that can help on that score is a good thing, no?

Man has the intelligence to see that it could be an issue and you decide if a bony old eyebolt or a good cable connect would be best for the job?

Besides...if yah do it right, you won't even see it.


An Impala? I'd tie the rope around the antlers. Or if you want to go lower, tie to the 2 front feet. Give it a good pull, and it'll come right out.


Well-known member
just put a big knot in your strap through it in the trunk slam the lid down and good to go


Active member
just put a big knot in your strap through it in the trunk slam the lid down and good to go


When I lived in Grand Rapids, we used to drive around during snowstorms pulling people out of ditches. We always made them hook up their end.
Some good stories there.
We made them pay with cash or beer regardless of the outcome but the "car" always got out of the ditch.


Unsightly to you maybe....nice thing to have if you need to get pulled out.

Oh, and there is no such thing as an "easy" pull out of anywhere. Lenny you should know that trying to pull anything on ice isn't an easy task for the pull out vehicle....and anything that can help on that score is a good thing, no?

Man has the intelligence to see that it could be an issue and you decide if a bony old eyebolt or a good cable connect would be best for the job?

Besides...if yah do it right, you won't even see it.

extra bull crap!!!! I guess you have never pulled anyone out of a situation, you can be as gentle as you like or as "rookie like" if you don't know any better. With a strap that stretches and a good hook on location it's as easy as pie.

Just saying most people wont or cannot bolt on hooks to tow so the most simple route would be to hook on in the appropriate spot. If a guy is the type of guy who wants to DIY than heck yes, go for it but most will not and with a little wisdom can find a place to hook on for the 1-2 times in life they may need a tug.
I yanked a girl out of sand who had burried her Jetta TDI wagon right up to the rocker panels. Just so happened I had a shovel and dug easily and hook onto both front arms and I about didn't know she was there. This girl like most people wouldn't have a clue or could care less about hooks. Now, I would not get a run and yank the car out ( on ice you would never be that stuck to begin with) and never hook a chain to the front end but a fat strap around the front end is easy,,been there done it, had myself pulled out before, no probs.

You can get it out with out nasty holes on your bumper cover but hey moose, chop away!