Where were you 10 years ago?


New member
I was at work as well, it was one of the first cool, crisp mornings, bright blue sky. After the first plane hit and the news got out every body huddled around tv and radios, then the second plan hit. Interesting thing is, we had a client in from Isreal, he had been in the Isreali army and was very familiar with that sort of terorism. After that second plane hit, I'll never forget it, he said very matter of fact that "there WILL BE one to two more acts or terrorism coming very shortly, that is how these people work, he said." He stopped short of saying who exactly was doing this, but it was like he knew. Then the 3rd and 4th planes hit. Our Isreali client/freind felt very bad for the people that go killed and for us as a country.
Our General Manager new someone in New york and could not get ahold of that person as the whole phone system out there was over whelmed with people calling for there loved ones, she was almost hysterical. Work closed up and we were sent home by noon. Once I got home I just sat in front of the tube til I just couldn't stay awake.


New member
I was at work wiring a chemical lab. I was working alone and thought the reports on the radio were wrong. Nobody has the balls to attack America!!! Wrong! Even the guys on the radio thought something goofy was going on, until the second plane hit. Then it got very real. The station I was listening to had a local t.v. anchor on and all of a sudden, he had to go to get back to the t.v. station. Very somber. I finished the day, went home and watched it on t.v. My only thought was PAYBACK is a bit*h!!!


Was working in a window factory when it happened, so I heard it on the radio for a few hours and wasn't sure what to believe since they didn't have good info. It wasn't until I went to my college classes in the afternoon that I finally saw what was going on from the tv in the common area. Pretty much everyone there was glued to the tv watching. Even a bunch of classes decided to skip lecture and just have the news on.