What are the prices like? I am sure they are all decent belts. Carlisle belts have a pretty sweet warranty, which is why I would lean that way. If you blow one up, you send it in, and they send you a new one.
I have two of them, one new, one used you can have for $20 for the pair and use your gift certicifate on something else. They were for a 2000 rmk 800 i sold two years ago. I have absolutly so use for them anymore so consider me throwing a fellow jd'er a bone. my email is mike99ss@yahoo.com if you want them
I bought a carlise belt once. Blew up the same day. The only problem was someone stole it out of the sled the same day. Served them right for stealing. The only problem is I couldn't send it in for a new one. Have stuck with oem ever since.