Who else is sad for all the riders but glad they dont have a sled in these conditions


New member
While I remember all to well the misery,depression and down right anger at times all you with trips planned, machines waitin on the trailers are feeling right now I must say this is another reminder to me why im really not that sad that i no longer own a machine. Six years ago with the arrival of my second child life just got way to busy to really enjoy the snowmobiling experience each winter so I sold both of my sleds. Even back then there were other factors starting to nudge my decision against owning my own sled. Cost of the sleds, maintence, travel, gas on the trails, (I was lucky to have inlaws own a home near the u.p. border so lodging was never a factor) and the YEAR AFTER YEAR BATTLE WITH SNOW CONDITIONS!!!! While we had some EXCELLENT TRIPS weather wise it seems more times than not it was a major headache to try and fight the weather and snow conditions along with all the buddies work schedules to make our yearly three trips to the u.p. happen. With all that I made the decision that I could rent sleds, not have to fight the weather, and not have nearly the costs invested and still enjoy the snowmobiling sport just as much. I will admit its not nearly as fun not having you own sled in the garage to tinker with, polish up, start up and enjoy the fumes, and daydream about the trips but it simple was a COMMON SENSE decision of life to make.

Plus the fact that you can now rent some decent sleds instead of the retarded ones that we all remember 15-20 years ago rental is the new way for me.

Who is in the same boat as me?????

To all you owners, and those with trips planned believe me that I come to this page each day just like I used to praying that the forecast has changed. So im still with all you praying. Im just the guy you pass on the trail cause im driving a rental :(!!!!!!!! LOL


I have my first kid due in early Feb, so I have been trying to sell my sled for the last 3 months, not starving for the money but I will be super tight on time this winter, so its going for now, I can rent once or twice a year and get my fix, My father lives in a prime riding location in Maine. If I cant ride 2000 plus miles a yr then I dont want to stare at my sled in the garage, I got a guy coming tomorrow to look at it, If it doesnt sell I will ride it bit alot less miles than I'd like to. So I agree with everything you said, This weather pattern is really pathetic around here, I'll be raking the yard in ten weeks!


New member
Was gonna sell last year glad I didn't

It's fun as **** and gives me something to look fwd too

I'm not hurting for cash so that's not a factor


Well-known member
I almost did this yr sold all my sleds at hay days .was not planing trips so I told my self I would rent if I went out for 1 trip.
well that lasted till the end nov ,then talk of going to Breckenridge for new yrs and it was over I went out and got a used one,I just could not take it.
now we get no snow west north east.
now we don't even have to talk about the over 30 hrs in the garage cleaning inspection adjusting changing greasing a sled with 675mi teah I got some ocd issues when it comes to my selds.
now what would I have to do with out all those nights in the shop.
1 watch soap net with the wife.
2 watch dancing with the stars with my wife.
3have a deep meaningful conversation with the wife.

no think I like sitting in the shop playing with my toys think I would loose my mind with out something to tinker on (my zen time)
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Well-known member
I still own an old Cat, but I have done a few rentals in the Yoop. For the Ride-In this year we are renting a couple 2-ups. It will be just me and the wife and kids, a nice family ride. It will be the first U.P. ride for the boys.
Not me.. I like having and working on my own stuff and having it set up the way I want ready to go. I have seen some pretty clapped out rentals out there and the better sleds cost more money to rent. I guess if you only do it once or twice a year, so be it, but I will always own my stuff until I get out of the hobby.
LMAO! I was the guy that drove 260 miles round trip the night before we had a baby to buy a sled. My thought was 'it's now or never'
..then had the nutz to ask to go for a ride the next day after she was born because the trails were melting. (I don't know why she loves me, but we work)
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New member
LMAO! I was the guy that drove 260 miles round trip the night before we had a baby to buy a sled. My thought was 'it's now or never'
..then had the nutz to ask to go for a ride the next day after she was born because the trails were melting. (I don't know why she loves me, but we work)

Is this ride when you came over to ride with me the first time? :) I seem to recall talking about a fresh addition to the family that night.
Is this ride when you came over to ride with me the first time? :) I seem to recall talking about a fresh addition to the family that night.

It was a very good day!:cool:

But back on topic. I did sell one sled. I couldn't justify insuring and maintaining an extra just to be ridden twice a year.
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New member
I also sold my sleds last year after 34yrs. I would go up at least 3 times a year. I was very involved with our county Association and one of the local clubs. I can say some of the nicest people I ever meet were sledders. One of the nicest couples were Sandy and Richard Krupp. We still stay in touch with them, seeing I adopted them for my U.P. parents. I too would go nuts by now when we didn't have snow. I miss it, but being involved in the local area, I can't imagine what it will be like that first snow and all the idiots that feel that they can ride anywhere and for the most part don't join clubs will ruin it for all the people who put so much work into setting up a trail system. I love snow and can't wait to play with the kids in it. Just can't do it with sleds. Still have my "think snow sticker on the back of the S.


I just sold my sled 2hrs ago! took me 3 months, but I got what I wanted for it and feel he got a good deal also, I just wont have the time this winter at all, so I'll take the money, They'll be more sleds in a few years. It's a true passion of mine bit cant take priority over the things that really count in life. family first, then fun in my world.


New member
I just went out and sat on mine and reassured it that I had no plans to ditch it anytime soon and that we are still heading west in 3 weekes then again in Feb and march too. Wiped it down and let it know Santa is bringing it a new HPS can for Christmas!


New member
I just sold my sled 2hrs ago! ... They'll be more sleds in a few years. It's a true passion of mine bit cant take priority over the things that really count in life. family first, then fun in my world.

You have your head on straight....and I admire your conviction. We all must set priorities, and sometimes those are not the ones we would rather make but that make the most sense.

While sledding is fun and will always be my passion.....I admire and respect anyone who can keep any sport in the proper perspective with regard to family first.

It takes ten minutes to buy a sled....it takes a lifetime to make a family.


New member
Not me.. I like having and working on my own stuff and having it set up the way I want ready to go. I have seen some pretty clapped out rentals out there and the better sleds cost more money to rent. I guess if you only do it once or twice a year, so be it, but I will always own my stuff until I get out of the hobby.

Right there with ya, I like my own stuff. The snow will fall eventually and I will never get out of the sport, love it too much!!!


You have your head on straight....and I admire your conviction. We all must set priorities, and sometimes those are not the ones we would rather make but that make the most sense.

While sledding is fun and will always be my passion.....I admire and respect anyone who can keep any sport in the proper perspective with regard to family first.

It takes ten minutes to buy a sled....it takes a lifetime to make a family.

Thank's, That makes me feel better, My wife didn't want me to sell it, She know's how much I love it, But with a baby due in Feb and lots of new expenses coming up I had to do it, Just made financial sense, I'll still sneak away for at least one rental weekend to scratch the itch. Have a merry Christmas everyone, enjoy.


New member
Yeah 2 years ago i had to sell my ZR 800 x country to buy my house in the UP for cash. I was a couple grand short and it was the only way. I miss it but ill get another sled probabaly in late Feburary. I make up for it by doing more skiing.