New member
While I remember all to well the misery,depression and down right anger at times all you with trips planned, machines waitin on the trailers are feeling right now I must say this is another reminder to me why im really not that sad that i no longer own a machine. Six years ago with the arrival of my second child life just got way to busy to really enjoy the snowmobiling experience each winter so I sold both of my sleds. Even back then there were other factors starting to nudge my decision against owning my own sled. Cost of the sleds, maintence, travel, gas on the trails, (I was lucky to have inlaws own a home near the u.p. border so lodging was never a factor) and the YEAR AFTER YEAR BATTLE WITH SNOW CONDITIONS!!!! While we had some EXCELLENT TRIPS weather wise it seems more times than not it was a major headache to try and fight the weather and snow conditions along with all the buddies work schedules to make our yearly three trips to the u.p. happen. With all that I made the decision that I could rent sleds, not have to fight the weather, and not have nearly the costs invested and still enjoy the snowmobiling sport just as much. I will admit its not nearly as fun not having you own sled in the garage to tinker with, polish up, start up and enjoy the fumes, and daydream about the trips but it simple was a COMMON SENSE decision of life to make.
Plus the fact that you can now rent some decent sleds instead of the retarded ones that we all remember 15-20 years ago rental is the new way for me.
Who is in the same boat as me?????
To all you owners, and those with trips planned believe me that I come to this page each day just like I used to praying that the forecast has changed. So im still with all you praying. Im just the guy you pass on the trail cause im driving a rental
!!!!!!!! LOL
Plus the fact that you can now rent some decent sleds instead of the retarded ones that we all remember 15-20 years ago rental is the new way for me.
Who is in the same boat as me?????
To all you owners, and those with trips planned believe me that I come to this page each day just like I used to praying that the forecast has changed. So im still with all you praying. Im just the guy you pass on the trail cause im driving a rental