who else is thinking snowmobiling?


Well-known member
Your guide did not want to talk about Textron too much and didnt even know about Lockheed. Also didn't even know Suzuki was done. Not much to be learned there. That have a new 15 million dollar paint room. After that the whole place looks 1960.

Yep a lot going on at the top just wondered how much rolled downhill about Lockheed Martian wanting to buy Textron. I'm sure Lockheed Martain could careless about a sled OEM Agreement with Yamaha just baggage to them if the buy goes thru. Thanks for asking.


Well-known member
they are looking for a way out this could be there golden tix excuses

No renewal prolly has to do with Textron not Yamaha. Lots of players now looking at purchasing Textron so something will happen with that first before any new OEM Agreement with Yamaha. No corp buying Textron is interested in OEM Agreement with Yamaha just a complication in area of biz they could care less about.


There are 3 things that jump out when thinking about the TRF AC factory. #1 it is an old facility that will take some major investment to modernize. They have done a few things but there is a lot more to do. #2 there is a very tight labor market in and around TRF because of DigiKey. There are already buses that go out to surrounding communities to collect workers because there are not enough in TRF by itself. #3 TRF is remote. A better location would be about 750 miles south. A geographically centered facility would certainly help with shipping. Both in and out.


New member
Hey Dan,

Da' Bears at Green Bay Thursday September 28, 2017 at 7:25 PM. I have a ticket with your name on it, hotels are going quickly.


done deal franky boy..got a freakin room for 450$!!!! what the heck..all to watch the losers!!!

gonna bring the boat and cross off northern and musky fishing green bay off the bucket list also(going to lambeau another one)!!

thanks for the invite..probably bring my son aaron who u rode with..
