Who has the itch?


Well-known member
I have the itch to see summer over. I do have new sled coming down the line but, no big deal. I just want to get out and ride.


I have had the itch for about 6 years straight... Is that normal? I am working on replacing the bulkhead on my sled, so I am not QUITE ready for the season to start, but man this weather makes me miss the snow!


Well-known member
I don't know as though my itch ever really goes away, but itch or no itch, I'm definitely tired of 90 and 100 degree temps, humidity, and constant sweating.


New member
Your not the only ,apparently this hot weather has many thinking snow and their vacations, as I recieved 4 reservations for Feb. this Sat. I was so surprised! I''m ready bring it one, I hate hot, and not to found of water or water sports, I can hardly wait to lay the 1st tracks in front of the trail cam!


This is the most depressing summer ever. Everything is dry and dead. Wish we had snow to cover it up. Going to Tomahawk this weekend for the pontoon poker run on Nokomis. Maybe some Captain's will help me through!


New member
sno4 050.jpg Yeah i just shared this pic on Facebook that said ahhh only 5 more months and the wonderful snow will be back! John did you see that pic or do you have all my posts hidden?


New member
For those that have the itch and are in the northwoods next month check the events thread. August 18th Iron County fair grounds Grass drags! Swap meet, ATV pulls etc. Camping is available there too and the big lake is only about 10 minutes north of there to hit the beach................................................. It is nice wading in the big lake with a cool brewski! Can i get a Tim Allen grunt? UHG UHG UHG.


New member
Hey, that's my new assault! Can't believe it's in already.. Don't know if that is good or bad. Now I have to sit and look at it for the next five months. At least it's here and I don't have to wait for it to show up sometime in December when it's snowing two feet. 95 here today and 102 tomorrow. Ready for fall! Ready to ride my new sled..


New member
Thought you would like to see this! Just give us a heads up if you wanna come on up and get it! You can stick it in the garage, open a cold one and watch your favorite sled video to help pass time until Old Man Winter blesses us with blankets of Lake Effect snow!

You are gonna let me drive this beast aren't you?

Thanks again Eric!