Who is the record holder on this website for the furthest distance traveled without snow? Yikes?


New member
About 300ft of open water and this next one will make you cringe. Just my wife and I at Park Falls and got lost. What should have taken 15 minutes to get back to the Hotel took about an hour. Finally found the town but not the trail. Tired and cranky I opted to ride the road for about 3 miles.


New member
Yes, 3 miles. I was worried about the track too but it was fine. I did have to change the carbides. I know it was a bad thing to do but I was extremely annoyed.


Well-known member
December 06, we had a long stretch of junk on trail 11N going up to Silver City. We started out in good snow and ran out before the good stuff on South Boundry. No idea how many miles we drove looking for any patch of snow in the ditch, but it was enough to get us overheating and ruin 3 sets of carbides. It is usually hit or miss early in the season, that was a royal miss.

I will have to say that we once again experinced the royal hospitality of the U.P. though. We stopped at the Foothills in S.C. to check out our carbides. We had one sled that was down to the plastic. Jerry saw us looking at the tipped sleds and asked how he could help. We asked how far it was by trail to Ontonagan? He said the trail was pretty bad going over there too, and offered us a ride to Ontonagan to get new carbides. Incredible! He also helped us change them out right there in his parking lot.(rachet and socket is a little easier than the tool kit) Again Incredible!

We did not ask for the ride or the help. Awesome experiences all over the U.P. That is just one example of the amazing hospitality. That is why we keep going to the beautiful land of snow. We are not smart enough to ride somewhere without needing a support crew. LOL


New member
A couple of years ago on our last of the season (first part of march) up by munising my buddy wanted to ride down to I believe Stuben. Or at least somewhere down there were there was a doo dealer that had the new 08's to demo. At least 15 miles of pretty much no snow but he was determined to see that D!@* sled. In fact the last mile into town absolutely no snow at all man did we get some looks. Once we left there to head back it was so warm that I actually took my jacket off and sat on it and my gloves. Surpirsing thing is never hurt the carbides and slides held up also. Of coarse since there was no snow or little snow but lots of water puddles I made sure I put my sled in them. Plus I made sure I blasted him with the water also..


Our group did a cross country ride from Mass to Big Bay in the spring. Made it to Big Bay with no problems and played for a few days in the hills. Unfortunately it warmed up and rained in the lower elevations. We ended up driving the last 6 miles to L’Anse without snow, just mud puddles. We did get a lot of “are you crazy” looks from the local folks when will pulled into town. My son lived in Houghton and picked up our trailer in Mass, drive to L’Anse and rescued us.


Well-known member
Too many. In 98 started out around the Dells in the morning in about a foot of snow & in the afternoon running in & out of snow, mud & grass around Friendship, WI. Started laughing when I saw my buddy kicking up dirtdust instead of snowdust. Snow was better heading south but pretty baron for about 5 miles. Sleds did ok no damage & we did not slow down & still refer to that trip as Friendship grass drags.


New member
This was a number of years ago. Ran Hwy 77 from Mellen to Iron Belt. It was late-we were cold and tired. Staying in Hurley and somehow got messed up on the trail system in Mellen. I knew 77 ran back to Hurley, so we took the shortest distance between 2 points. Ran the shoulder all the way into Iron Belt than hopped on the trail behind Sidekicks. (about 17 miles). Let me tell ya' 5 sleds can put on quite a spectacular light show. Tried to ditch bang to keep things cool as best we could, but it was dark and weren't quite sure of what was underneath the snow in the ditches. Looking at the carbides and slides the next morning, we didn't ditch bang well enough
!! I woke up the next morning and I'm pretty sure my sled was still lettin' off some steam. Needless to say I had to run the backup sled the next day.


we need Mr.Freeze to chime in on this one. I believe he rode 20 miles on a bare grade last season in Mn coming home from a trip to Canada. They ran outta snow so I picked him up in MN in da truck. If I remember correctly, he lost every single lug on his track


New member
I think it was 1999 or 2000 1st week of feburary rode to hurly from lakewoods, got up there in was 50 turned around and headed back snow was melting quick, I think it was around clam lake or so and we ran out of snow on the trail. We rode dirt and rocks and so forth until we got back. Mud was everywhere also locked up a 550 super sport with about 500 miles on it. I would say a good 15 or 20 miles on that stuff it was a terrible trip that year


Active member
In february 02, we rode trail 2 west of trail that heads down to the cicsoc chain for a good haf mile on the rocks till we turned around right before it passes under Highway 2, it was ROUGH


Well-known member
This one time, in International Falls, with a rental...

Seriously, we were riding in Minnesota a few years back and it was 50 degrees for about 3 days. The trails through town were impossible to follow - absolutely no snow. I wrecked my sled that year, and I was riding a rental that trip, so I went ahead in case we were heading the wrong direction. Carbides were definitely gone when we brought it back. When I rented, I didn't usually beat it up, but someone was going have to be the guinea pig that trip.


New member
A very long story, but Twin Lakes to Wakefield. Ran out of snow south of TL, some ice with red/copper dirt on it but no snow, ran Sunday Lake to the parking lot. No snow, no ice. Waterskipping the whole way, only to have to circle because of fences and decks to find access to parking. And that was in the dark. Basicly wore out 4 skis, 4, 8 inch carbides, 2 tracks, and 4 slides. Made it to work mon morn w/out sleep. And the sleds were almost new before we started the trip. 1350 mile saddle bag trip. On april 15th, 2002 my son and I circled 1st lake in Forest Lake, mn 3.6 miles All water


New member
I've got all kinds of good snowmobile stories, if I started posting them all on here I would only take heat and get called out as spreading fiction. I've ran alot of bare stretches for numerous miles, in the rain, even in 60+ degree temperatures. Here's a short example of things gone wrong on a trip from earlier this year. You don't just lift one of these 700+ pound sleds out of this situation. It was wedged into and under a very thick ice shelf. It was also in a foreign country, starting to rain, and getting dark. Just a bad deal all around. Fortunately I usually carry enough equipment with me to get us out of most situations on our high mile trips. This was around Winnipeg, Manitoba.
