Running Bear
New member
Wondering why all groomer drivers aren't paid in Michigan. This is a question thats been buggin me for awhile. Our club "Watersmeet" pays their drivers. My understanding is if we turn in the proper paperwork the club is reimbursed and thats how we pay the drivers. The Club gets so much money per mile groomed and they keep a portion to cover the fuel and a portion pays the drivers. I hear the "all volunteer drivers" all the time and how unhappy they are and wanting to quit...I guess I just don't get it...yes theres the love of the sport which both paid and volunteer drivers share and I understand if you do volunteer you are helping the club make money. But to us getting paid sure makes the long nights and dealing with stupid much easier. Our club isn't broke (not rich either) and we don't do many fundraisers....we have all paid groomer drivers and we always make ends meet. If its just a matter of turning in paperwork then why not do that and pay the drivers? Please help me understand.