Why I ride "Off Trail"


New member

Gona take an awful lot of shoveling to empty that lake!:)
No shovel on that one. One guy to hold the yellow rope and eleven guys to pull on the blue rope. note the guy has color cordinated ropes. yellow for him and blue to match his 2 stroker Yamaha. Note: useing a quick syphon purchased at the snake oil booth failed to drain the lake so the rope action followed.


New member
here a cpl for you guy(my own pics not taken off a website) in this pic we came across a bunch of (spores) and the guy said I been shovoling for last hr.....note the guy in green coat.....he was with us......I got down there pulled a ski and (green coat) drove it right out.....but acording to Lenny we need to stop take all our gear off and get shovel out.......oh wait lenny you ride the real snow right?


this one they went to carve around tree and the suger snow that was 4ft under the powder gave and they sunk....what you can not see is they can not go down as it was a creek or something that just went into a big drop......no shovel just pulled a ski and got em back up on the snow and going up hill at that..........

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New member
for you shovel ready guys!!!!!why shovel? so you can see the sled? shoveling the side sled out does nothing...walking the front down does more than shoveling......there is alot time you will need a shovel.....I just lol when a guy sits there with his shovel throwing snow around with no purpose.......if you can not see the ski to tug on it why shovel? can you not just reach thru the snow and give it a tug.....I also use the sled to sled snobunjie.....hey lenny I got 2and half weeks riding the "baby snow" this year alone...how is you season going? did you get your shovel and Yammi out yet?


New member
here one you will like Lenny........big ol yammi with Spores on em.....


came across this spore and he had his shovel out.....over hr my friend watched him shovel from the other side of the valley.....we drove up and guess what? WE drove it right out.....cpl of us just tugged a ski after we turned it......no shovel.......


New member
hey lenny when you really are stuck and your on your own......walk out the front end use your feet to knock the snow down till you touch the track......she should come right out......oh ya and tip it on its side to get all the snow out of the track first........stomping the sides down does nothing but pack snow in your track.........

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New member
lets just think for a sec......why you sled stuck? cuz the snow under the front end has you hung up....the track has no traction........so i ask what does shoveling out the sides and front do? make a big hole? as its the snow under the sled that has you hung up........I was just sharing the way i ride and get unstuck but Ol lenny and Pr1 seem to of taken it the wrong way......ok back to my Baby snow........
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bro, the only one taking it the wrong way is you. You have 233 posts with my name in it. You don't wanna dig, DON'T FRICKEN DIG! Here's the problem, your not thinking of the big picture which does include people riding by themselves, as stated. I tried to get you to understand how a shovel is a viable means of getting unstuck but you insist we should all be riding at your lever and never need a shovel. Well BRAVO to you dude "were not worthy," "were not worthy." Remember Wayne's world,,,he he he

I may ride a big heavy pig and often by myself but my shovel will be with me and I will dig myself out. Is that okay with you or do I need to write a picture book, maybe with pop-ups. When you helped the guy out in the green coat, do you think that after his shoveling you ski pulled him out that his shoveling may have contributed or do you credit yourself with the hero as you self proclaim to be.

Just relax my friend, no need for us to be like a couple of chicks insisting one is right and the other is wrong. Shovels remove snow and there are times they get a guy unstuck, can we agree on that?


ok one more....Nope no shovel.....did not even get tired just walked front out and drove out.....


I never said I shovel myself out on ever stuck. In reality I dig on the real bad one. On this picture I would stomp the snow in front of the sled as I said earlier, did you ever read that? I would stomp the around the side sides and probably dig for 30 seconds directly in the front of the skid IF is was a wet pack snow. I did to level the sled so I am not pointing up as high, I don't dig a trech around the sled. On the bad stucks I will dig and if I dig a lot I will remove my helmet.


New member
you don't have me all worked up......and I not sure where you see your name 233times.......just point it out to ya lenny.....some guy asked about sky jack.....I state what my exsperience is with it......then i state my opinion on shovel and getting unstuck........then you go in to all this....seems on this site when you state "IMO" guys like you start with stuff like "Baby snow" and " I will learn ya"......
the reason i like coming here is to share my experiences and maybe help some newbies out!!!!is that not what a forum is about? maybe I will just take what i learned over the years and move on as guys like you seem to have it under control.......

until I bought a shovel I never used one either so what's your point,,,,lol. The shovel is the easy way out and when riding all day I prefer to use my energy for riding, not pulling or lifting my sled especially when there is no bottom. So your telling me it's easier to lay your sled over and fill your trench in which is bogus to begin with because the skid don't hold much and you can stomp on the side of your trench easier with gravity helping you to fill in a low spot. I used to always lift the rear over to get on top but I'm not talking baby snow. I'm talking deep drifted filled in ravine bottomless snow. The simplest way out is to take your helmet off and dig for a few minutes. Stick with me boys and I'll learn ya!

I know I'm a persistent SOB often, I try to fight it but loose it from time to time. My apologies if I come on as always right and the last word, not my intentions and I can do better. I need to stick with you guys and learn something like not being rude,,,, sorry

come one, you heard the way, never need a shovel buddy, there's always a better way than a shovel! :p
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"The Roll" for any newbies that were wondering... nice deep snow there in BC!

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/35995586?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1" width="398" height="299" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>


New member
99% of the tinme rolling the sled works or just a pull but their are incidents that are few and far between that require digging no matter how experienced you are. I roll my sled out alot and use a bunje alot.