Why No LES on Radar?


New member
Why doesn't the LES show up on radar returns? Any particular website going to show this, or is it just not available?


Well-known member
Often LES cannot be detected in our area (Keweenaw) due to the height in which LES bands occur & our terrain. I'm sure John will have a more precise explanation, but, that kind of sums it up.-Mezz


Staff member
It's just not available. Radars cannot see everything. Due to the curvature of the earth and the fact that the radar signal cannot curve along with the earths surface, the further away from the radar site you are, the higher the precip needs to be for it to be seen by the radar. Most LES happens in the lower levels of the atmosphere, so unless it is occurring very near the radar, then most LES is not picked up by the radar.



New member
so does that mean there is no radar station from any weather service close enough in the western UP to pick up the radar returns? does this also mean IF there was a radar station closeby that we would be able to see it on radar? why hasn't anyone put one up? too small of a market? dont care?


Staff member
Yes, no radar is close enough to pick up on the LES over western Lake Superior and the western UP. Marquette is the closest and sometimes it picks up on it a bit, but if it does, you can bet it is snowing incredibly hard and not the little specks showing up on the radar.

The reason why they do not put one in a place to view the western lake and UP is that the main reason for radar is to help with severe weather prediction and for that is does a good job as those clouds and the precip are picked up by the radar.

As important as LES in the western UP is to you and I, is it not that high on the priority of the head honchos of the NWS in Washington DC. The NWS personnel in Marquette would love to see radar coverage of LES in the western Lake/UP as much as you and I.



New member
I say we start up a donation fund to allow the pasty.com people to place one of these up atop Brockway Mountain next to their wireless equipment.
It says it has a 64 nautical mile range. Should cover most of the keweenaw anyway.
I'm sure someone could figure out a way to relay it's output to the internet.
Better than nothin. :)


Staff member
The NWS and I have already though of something like that rjgoniea, but would put it at the old Air Force radar base up by Gratiot Lake. The highest point in the Keweenaw and a nice 360 degree view.

Pass the hat! We only need 7K!



I say put some donation jars out at some the advertising sights on here and any other local place that will allow it. I think it would be paid for in a heart beat. I will throw some that way when I am at the Ride In.


Active member
john, i think we have something going here....$7,000 is really not that much...im sure locals that do not visit the site would even pitch in!


New member
The NWS and I have already though of something like that rjgoniea, but would put it at the old Air Force radar base up by Gratiot Lake. The highest point in the Keweenaw and a nice 360 degree view.
I keep forgetting about that place, guess because I've never been there. The Pasty guys have some of their equipment there too. Probably because, as you stated, it's the highest point around.

john, i think we have something going here....$7,000 is really not that much...im sure locals that do not visit the site would even pitch in!

I wish I had spent more time looking at models before posting my original comment. The idea was good, I'm just not sure if the model I linked to would actually suit our purposes or not. And from my experience on DIY projects, final project cost is almost never as low as first assumed. Still, if a solid plan was put together with a firm budget, I think the users of this site and snowmobilers that use the area could come up with the money. Anybody out there besides our way too busy Admin that is qualified to come up with something like that?


Active member
With NWS dopplar radar, the Huron Mts, plus distance, and low elevation snowfall (LES) and the fact snow just doesnt send back a strong as return as rain, and whether the radar is set in either precip or clear mode it just aint gonna happen.
in Keweenaw. It can detect LES
Area's East of MQT with LES will and can show up on radar.
It's all about location.
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New member
Great thread, light200 was reading my mind.
You read a post about how much its snowing, go to weather.com or where ever and go figure, nothing shows up.
If I were one of the big 4 sled manufactures, I would have a live radar feed at every dealership within 8 hours of the Keewanaw playing from deer season to April. Along with Sledneck videos of course


New member
Put me down for $200.

If there was a website we could use to have commitments put forward... or a trust/cordinator.. I would donate. Its snowing heavily in the Keweenaw right now and I have to rely on webcams.