WI State Fair Opens Temporary Hospital


Well-known member
This is the reason the 2020 Snow Show was postponed months ago. I didn’t think it would be used ... guess I was sadly wrong.


Well-known member
From what I’ve heard on the tube about 900ish cases in hospital statewide. They are claiming hospitals are at 80% and state fair can hold 530 and going to send about 50 there today. So does it really need to be used? But to keep the scare up if that is what you believe why not open it up. It will be more interesting to see how long it is used and how long they leave it up.


Well-known member
15,000 hospital beds in the state and 900 beds are overwhelming, we have bigger problems! When I was in hospital in august...was ghost town...beds and staff (I realize things have changed) but 900 beds...STATEWIDE in a system with 15,000 beds How many of those beds are being used in total?? as far as I know and correct me if I am wrong hospitalizations and surgeries have not yet returned to normal. Tavern league now suing state of Wi and good for them because if this continues there will be many restaurants and bars lost for good for something that has a 99% survival rate..... "99%"!!! CDC released that 71% of people polled that were positively diagnosed stated that they wore "MASKS" regularly and even if we get a vaccine it could only be 40% to 50% effective. And why have we never seen an explosion of cases centered around grocery stores, Walmart's and home improvement centers??? "some" schools reopen and wala explosion of cases, again why not grocery stores, Walmart's and home improvement centers??? Unless you quarantine EVERYONE, come up with a vaccine that is 100% effective and EVERYONE gets it, guess what??? its not going away...EVER. Why don't people get this and I have news, after nov 4th or thanks giving when the last ballot is counted its not going away, things will either get worse or REALLY worse, IMO
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Well-known member
Have a friend who is a nurse for a lung Dr. In Milwaukee. She deals with covid Pts. Daily. I asked her about the hospitals. Being over run this past weekend. She said there are plen ty of beds. The Iccu. Is not over run and conditions havent really changed in the last month.


Active member
My wife works at a bunch of different hospitals in WI.
I cant really get into specifics, but I can honestly say some (or even many) of the things that are reported by the newspaper, local news channels, local officials, state officials, and governor are anywhere from very inaccurate to complete B.S.


Well-known member
Meanwhile...... https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/pdfs/mm6936a5-H.pdf (Page 4 with the mask wearing survey)

And why haven't these statistics been shared over the media that keeps pounding masks, social distancing, limited capacities??? because you cant stop it and there is the proof

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My wife works at a bunch of different hospitals in WI.
I cant really get into specifics, but I can honestly say some (or even many) of the things that are reported by the newspaper, local news channels, local officials, state officials, and governor are anywhere from very inaccurate to complete B.S.

My sister is in the same boat as your wife and I concur, B.S. is an understatement. I cant wait to see how we will react when flu season arrives
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with respect to Johns rules I will not take this any farther and hopefully every one else will do the same.......It will be VERY INTERRESTING to see what happens after the election! Will this B.S. continue or will it slowly fade away into the deep dark night hopefully to become a distance memory?


Active member
A girl that I know that is a RN told me the same the other day. Her hospital is not full, she would estimate it as about the same amount of beds filled as flu season.


Active member
Unfortunately I as of today I now know someone who will likely not be with us soon because of Covid. Yes he is older, and yes he has health problems, but he is one of the best neighbors and farmers you could ever know. Sounds like it came back with one of his grandkids from school. They didn't listen to mom and Dad and went across the road to see Grandpa and Grandma who were outside raking leaves. Grandma has it, but is at home physically okay, but mentally devastated. She hasn't not spent a day or night without him for 51 years. No one is allowed to visit him in hospital. The grandchildren are inconsolable. I hope and pray for a miracle that this turns around. I don't want the kids carrying that kind of guilt around. Unfortunately as life has taught me sometimes things don't go as we hoped.


There's no doubt that COVID is real, my brother has it right now(electrician at a refinery), and my neighbor across the street had it a month ago(he works for IDOC), both got it from their work place and both lost sense of smell and taste that's the only symptoms, so yeah its a real virus......but my sister is a nurse and works as one of the tracers for IDPH and she's been pretty busy, but all this front line grandstanding a fear mongering about hospital capacity and running out of beds is complete BS, she says that almost every case is quarantined at home, the one fatality we had in county was an elderly person with COPD, so yeah its real, and it can be deadly and I feel like people need to be educated about it, but the information needs to be factual and it needs to be honest, the only thing they are doing is losing trust from the public. When people don't get tested and they receive a positive test that's pretty darn sketchy and its all to pump the numbers up and scare the sh$t out of people.


Well-known member
Was in hospital first part of august, just starting to get bills $256.00 for covid test???? now that's a bunch of BS


Well-known member
I don't know anyone who thinks the China Virus isn't real. It's the over reaction that's nuts.

Workhardplayhrd...maybe you should suggest to your neighbors to consult with their doctor to use the same drugs the President used. He's looking pretty good now...

It doesn't really matter how someone gets it...it's going to happen one way or another. If my Mother was to get it and needed to go the the hospital I can guarantee you that she'd be on those meds asap.


Well-known member
I don't know anyone who thinks the China Virus isn't real. It's the over reaction .
Totally agree.
I don't get this testing stuff either.........take a test for something there's no treatment for....just send ya home.....don't need test to tell ya your sick.
My question is where are these people all getting sick from?? Every store, gas station, bank most people I see are wearing a mask.....and since we're all told mask work.........
I don't know anyone who thinks the China Virus isn't real. It's the over reaction that's nuts.

Workhardplayhrd...maybe you should suggest to your neighbors to consult with their doctor to use the same drugs the President used. He's looking pretty good now...

It doesn't really matter how someone gets it...it's going to happen one way or another. If my Mother was to get it and needed to go the the hospital I can guarantee you that she'd be on those meds asap.

Ha, with the way covid is exploding in WI your Mother would be lucky to find a tent bed hospital set up in Lambeau field. Forget about those specialty meds that are in such short supply. They will be reserved for the rich and powerful.

WI had its chance, instead they rejected the Governors orders and covid exploded. Now you can drown in your own misery.


Well-known member
WI had its chance, instead they rejected the Governors orders and covid exploded. Now you can drown in your own misery.

Yes, the people have spoken.......better to get the Covaids than ruled by a tyrant.......Dec.1st Covaids tour coming to city near you.
So I was in Walmart this morning........was hole 2 people without masks....... imagine how much we could control spread if there was law forcing those 2 people to wear masks!!


Well-known member
Old frail people stay in your house. Be scared for good reason. The rest of the folks who's healthy need to get on with life. Untill a workable vaccine is available. Herd immunity is 5he only thing that will slow this down.


Active member
Ha, with the way covid is exploding in WI your Mother would be lucky to find a tent bed hospital set up in Lambeau field. Forget about those specialty meds that are in such short supply. They will be reserved for the rich and powerful.

WI had its chance, instead they rejected the Governors orders and covid exploded. Now you can drown in your own misery.

Lots of open beds in hospitals.
Another scare tactic opening tent hospital at fair grounds


Active member
Ha, with the way covid is exploding in WI your Mother would be lucky to find a tent bed hospital set up in Lambeau field. Forget about those specialty meds that are in such short supply. They will be reserved for the rich and powerful.

WI had its chance, instead they rejected the Governors orders and covid exploded. Now you can drown in your own misery.

Wow! What a truly mean thing to say.