Wildlife on the Trail


Active member
We've seen lots of wildlife on the trail this year, deer, turkeys, wolves, pheasants, rabbits.

I thought this turkey was someones pet I almost pet her, strange to get so close, but really cool

The pheasant is hard to find in the picture, he's at the bottom of the pic. There were 2 of them running down the trail

Anyone else get any wildlife pictures ?

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New member
We haven't seen any wildlife but were commenting on how many more tracks we saw last weekend than we normally do while riding. We didn't stop to check any tracks but just judging by the gait it looked to be a split between deer tracks and coyote tracks that we were seeing. We were riding in area's of thick pines/cedars which will hold a lot of deer this time of year.


Well-known member
Saw a couple of moles running across the trail on Monday & was wondering what the heck woke them up? Also saw Mr. Owl & know what he was doing.lol


New member
Our group saw 2 snowshoe hares, 5 red fox, many deer and a quail this year. The fox and hares were north of Wawa, Ontario.


We saw a wolf in St. Germain this year on the Loop Trail outside of town, some deer, and a turkey. The funny thing about the turkey was that my wife thought it was a Peacock. LMAO.


In her defense ------- a female peahen and a wild turkey do look alot alike. And they both will roost in a tree, BUT they never sound alike. (we used to raise both)


New member
Saw must of the above plus a skunk (dead). Feel sorry for the person who hit it. But the best was a beater car IN THE MIDDLE of the trail by Lake Linden. The Sheriffs did not appear to be too happy. Wish I had my camera/phone with me. Car mats or jack provided no help here.lol
Saw a wolf when we were up by you a few weeks ago riding over towards Goegibic, and some wild turkeys, but did not get any pics.


A couple from the Onalaska area


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Well-known member
This was really a treat to see on the trail. We had a pretty long stare-down. I blinked first.


Saw a big timber wolf earlier this year but the coolest thing I've seen was just last weekend - a red fox with black fir (yeah, I know, that probably makes it a black fox but the under-fur was still red). Beautiful animal. Don't understand why I don't keep my camera where I can get at it faster.

I've seen a lot of turkeys on the trail this year too...not including those behind the handlebars. Couldn't get a photo of the first species and didn't bother to take a photo of the other.


New member
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These were 3 deer in someone's driveway at a stop sign near Shingleton. I was a little far ahead of the group and stopped there to wait and shut my machine down quick. They just let me take the pic. Then they bolted when some other sleds went by.

Just before that there was a huge doe in the middle of the trail running from me toward these guys. Pretty cool when you're not a high speeds.


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New member
The only thing I can remember seeing this year was a Bald Eagle along side of 55 heading back from Wellston last Sunday. He was tearing apart a deer carcass on the side of the road. Things are tough all over !


Well-known member
Did 172 miles Wednesday from Trout Lake to Mission Hill to Kinross to Pickford to Hessel and back to Trout Lake.....saw more deer on the trails than we did other sleds. And the trails were superb. That's what I'm talkin' about!