will you still go???

will you still purchess a trail pass?

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New member
Its a tough call. I like riding the UP but to save $90 for the one weekend I usually go there I'll probably go to the north shore of MN instead.


Active member
I am not implying that I'm in favor of this increase but, let's face it, we all spend tons of money to ride, wherever it is! In the big scheme of things, what impact will an extra $10.00 really have?



New member
to some alot...increase in registration increase in tax on buying sled increase on parts sleds are now 12,000$ love the sport but i got out of big river boating cuz it go so friken ridiculous!!!!!I remember when the marinas wanted 600 a gal back 10years ago...I payed 470 a gal this winter for 91.......its getting old fast...more here more their!!!!oh ya to even get a trail pass in another state we have to register then buy a trail pass here in MN then your ok to buy another state pass......gas is enuff to keep us from driving 7 and half hrs to the yoop now higher prices to ride!! low snow....did they not just raise it 10 last year??so its had DOBBLED in 2 years?


Staff member
Not to hyjack the intent of this thread, but what about a Super-Pass? Say ride all season in MN, WI and MI for like 90 dollars. Each state would take $30 of it.

By the way, it will be interesting to see where the results of this end up. I wish we could get 1000 votes to make it legit. I suppose even 100 votes is asking a lot this time of the year.


PS. I see you voted No Pat. Does this mean you won't be coming to the UP anymore?


I only come maybe once a year or so But I doo enjoy it and it really isnt that much when I consider all the other things I waste money on


Not to hyjack the intent of this thread, but what about a Super-Pass? Say ride all season in MN, WI and MI for like 90 dollars. Each state would take $30 of it.

By the way, it will be interesting to see where the results of this end up. I wish we could get 1000 votes to make it legit. I suppose even 100 votes is asking a lot this time of the year.


PS. I see you voted No Pat. Does this mean you won't be coming to the UP anymore?

Good luck on that. Three states to agree on something... sounds like a utopia. It sounds good on paper though. :p
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Active member
So that this point in time the vote is 5 no, 11 yes.

16 permits at $35 = $560

11 permit at $45 = $495

Right now the State would be losing money based on these numbers.

Lets see how this continues to play out.

Personally, I think $45 is not enough to have a vast negative affect on the income but the State won't get the revenue they think they will.


Active member
Not to hyjack the intent of this thread, but what about a Super-Pass? Say ride all season in MN, WI and MI for like 90 dollars. Each state would take $30 of it.

By the way, it will be interesting to see where the results of this end up. I wish we could get 1000 votes to make it legit. I suppose even 100 votes is asking a lot this time of the year.


PS. I see you voted No Pat. Does this mean you won't be coming to the UP anymore?

I think that work well for those who travel to where the snow is but, for those of us who are rooted in one state, there would have to be an option for a single state purchase as well. Doesn't seem like that would be too difficult to pull off and it sounds like a good idea.



Active member
Yes, I don't have a choice cause I have a place in W.P., but would still buy 1 anyway because I will take the UP trails over Wi. trails anyday. I have bought the Wi. trail pass a several years just to go down to P.I. to meet up with friends(only a few miles into Wi.) and never went any futher into the state. I guess even if I didn't have a place in W.P. I would still buy cause thats what we have to do to ride.


Staff member
My idea of a super pass would be in addition to the individual state passes, not to replace them. I would not be happy paying that kind of money for two stated I never ride in. It was just a thought to those that do ride in all three to have the option to get one that covers them all.

I also have no intention of trying to make this happen. Perhaps someone at the MSA or WI and MN state snowmobile associations will see this and try and make it happen.



New member
I put no because it will at least make our group think twice about going or not going. We would first try to find a place in WI and not go if it is that much.

Now if the UP is the only place with snow then we would pay it but when you have options to stay in the northwoods of WI and not have to fork over the $45 it is an easy decision.

We bought our sticker this year in December and only went once. We were planning on making a second trip in late February or March but the UP didn't have good snow conditions where we wanted to go.


Well-known member
I don't ride the UP but I do know that I would not come there for just a weekend if I had to pay $90 for my wife and I. Our trail passes in MN are $18/yr, or I believe it was $45/ 3 yr pass. Funny thing about the trail pass, I had to get a duplicate because I changed y windshield and the new one they gave me for $3.50 had an extra year on it. Good deal!

We may not groom as often up the north shore as the UP does but we also don't have anywhere near the traffic.

I do like the idea of a multistate pass though.
Yes, I don't have a choice cause I have a place in W.P., but would still buy 1 anyway because I will take the UP trails over Wi. trails anyday.
Ding Ding Ding! I don't even ride in WI anymore... Honestly I need to look into just registering my sled in MI and be done with WI all together. I wonder if a non-resident can do that in MI? BTW, I voted YES, I'll still ride in MI.
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I voted Yes. My wife and I enjoy riding in the UP and so what if it will cost another $20 a year for our 2 sleds. I waste a lot more than $20 at Haydays on stuff that I don't need.


New member
The riding in the U.P. is worth an extra ten dollars from me! I do understand how it would affect a family with 4 or more sleds. You gotta pay to play I guess.

I will be for sure hitting the northwoods of Minnesota next season. I buy a sticker to ride with my Dad in the Brainerd area so I might as well try some Boondocking in the Arrowhead area. Elf you ever need a riding buddy let me know!