There are good points made by everyone, $10.00 does not seem that much but when you start addding all those $10.00 together now things add up fast. I live in MN and have a cabin in Presque Isle WI which is 5 miles south of MI, so we always buy both stickers. So a weekend for me is $150.00 for gas in the truck, stickers, Oil, food, gas for the sleds etc. yea it starts adding up fast and starts to make a differance on how many times I can afford to come up. I also ride atv's and dirt bikes in the UP and I have to buy those stickers as well, now you have fishing lic and hunting and holy *&^% its starting to hurt.
I can't affford to do everything or at least have to really cut back, which raises the question at what point do I continue to do these things and support them or let them go. Which now raises the second question, if I back out and others back out for the same reason now you have less money and the passes will have to go up even more to cover the cost. I hate to even say it but Mexico starts looking better for vacations and will be much cheaper for the family. You just can't increase fees, you have to look at cutting costs, I don't have the answers but fewer people are paying more and more people are getting everything for less. Not fair in my mind