will you still go???

will you still purchess a trail pass?

  • Total voters


There are good points made by everyone, $10.00 does not seem that much but when you start addding all those $10.00 together now things add up fast. I live in MN and have a cabin in Presque Isle WI which is 5 miles south of MI, so we always buy both stickers. So a weekend for me is $150.00 for gas in the truck, stickers, Oil, food, gas for the sleds etc. yea it starts adding up fast and starts to make a differance on how many times I can afford to come up. I also ride atv's and dirt bikes in the UP and I have to buy those stickers as well, now you have fishing lic and hunting and holy *&^% its starting to hurt.

I can't affford to do everything or at least have to really cut back, which raises the question at what point do I continue to do these things and support them or let them go. Which now raises the second question, if I back out and others back out for the same reason now you have less money and the passes will have to go up even more to cover the cost. I hate to even say it but Mexico starts looking better for vacations and will be much cheaper for the family. You just can't increase fees, you have to look at cutting costs, I don't have the answers but fewer people are paying more and more people are getting everything for less. Not fair in my mind


New member
I would also say the WI snowmobile clubs would beg to differ about not grooming the WI trails enough. The gas bill and hours logged by the groomer drivers is a huge number.

I thank you for your time and service.


Well-known member
The grooming improvement over the past few years has been huge. It has change the riding experience vastly in Michigan. I voted yes.

Side note. We bought passes for Wisconsin this year. We usually ride through the state trail system in areas adjoining Michigan. We rode one day in Wisconsin this year. It seems like our trips kept getting timed too close to the northwoods meltdowns. Should we have saved our money and not rode in Wisconsin for one day? Naw, it was a great day of riding.


Active member
Not to hyjack the intent of this thread, but what about a Super-Pass? Say ride all season in MN, WI and MI for like 90 dollars. Each state would take $30 of it.

By the way, it will be interesting to see where the results of this end up. I wish we could get 1000 votes to make it legit. I suppose even 100 votes is asking a lot this time of the year.


PS. I see you voted No Pat. Does this mean you won't be coming to the UP anymore?

Great Idea!!!


Well-known member
fatdaddy made some good points about the overall expense of riding. I have ridden sleds for 45 years and hope to ride for another 20 or more but it is getting almost too expensive for younger people. 10.00 per year is not much but with the price of gas, the price of sleds, the price of permits, the price of tow vehicles and trailers, and the price of the rooms, food, etc. it is an expensive hobby. I buy a MN trail permit, I think it was 16.00 this year, and in ND residents don't need one but they are 15.00 for nonresidents. If there was no snow here I would look at going to the UP because I am going to ride somewhere but when we have snow in ND or northern MN I will ride close to home (there have only been a few years in the last 40 where we have not had rideable snow here). Our trails are great, sometimes the offtrail riding is great, and there is no traffic. We don't groom as often but with low traffic is is fine, and a few bumps aren't the end of the world with the newer suspensions. I like John's idea of a multi state pass though because I would like to ride to the UP from here one of these years and one sticker would be a lot easier.


New member
Yes, but I love the Super Pass idea

I'll still buy a MI pass because I love to ride and MI is the closest to me.

However, I love the Super Pass idea. I have purchased MN, WI and MI passes in 08/09 & 09/10 and MN and MI passes this year. I would have purchased a WI pass this year but cancelled our trip because of no snow.

A Super Pass would be great for me because I usually don't get to spend a lot of time in any of the states. Even if the cost was the same as the individual passes, I'd save a lot of clutter on the hood.

Great idead, John. Where do we start to get this proposed?


New member
I put no because it will at least make our group think twice about going or not going. We would first try to find a place in WI and not go if it is that much.

Now if the UP is the only place with snow then we would pay it but when you have options to stay in the northwoods of WI and not have to fork over the $45 it is an easy decision.

We bought our sticker this year in December and only went once. We were planning on making a second trip in late February or March but the UP didn't have good snow conditions where we wanted to go.


I like the UP, I like all the people and places we have been......we ended up in the UP 10 or so years ago cuz snow was real low in Valhalla wi area where we had been going for a number of years.....I believe my group will choose to go back the route as its 2 and half hrs from the Twine cites!!!!I think we are making the change to all out west and chase good snow storms....I having flashbacks of storm chasing days and spending all day fri on the phone trying to get a room in the UP...

I do like the idea of a 3 state pass...I live 10 min from wis border we had alot snow here this year and in between trips my friends that only ride here where going to wis and unloading they invited me a few times this year...the main reason i never went was trail pass ride from my drive with the passes I already have or spend another 30bucks to ride in wis.....for 4 or 5 months of riding time we have Wyo,Montana,Mich,Mn!!we passed on wis last few years and now Im afraid this will be just another reason to find different avenue to ride....
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New member
every year we take a 4 or 5 day saddle bag trip and would always make it into mich for a few of the days .but a few years ago we started staying in wis .mainly because we had good snow but part is buying a sticker for a day or 2 .if its the only place to ride you can bet i will be there paying the money and be happy to do so .we all spend alot of money doing this sport but for some it could be the straw that broke the camels back .


New member
I am just saying that I love snowmobiling but even I thought about giving it up this year because it isn't worth the money, the metldowns, lack of trails opening up around my area. Now this is just another reason to add to my do not list.

We enjoyed our couple trips to the UP every year. The small town hotels, bars, gas stations and restaurants are great to give them money for there excellent hospitality but when you start throwing expense into the equation then the nice hometown atmosphere is trumped and lots of people will stay home and find something else to do with there time and money.

Indy500 better get a hold of me for a good deal on a new Apex XTX or Vector LTX GT : )

Then I hit the gas on the Apex and I forget the whole money thing and put a smile on my face and just laugh.


Active member
Right now 14 no, 41 yes.

55 * $35 = $1,925
41 * $45 = $1,845

Wow, I thought the State would be ahead by now with the $45 permit fee. The $ gap is closing though.


New member
The only thing that would get me to go back to the UP is if we don't get ANY snow worth riding on around home by the end of January. With fuel costs these days, it's just too costly to make the trip with all of the other expenses to boot. However, IF I COULD afford to make a few trips up there, and if I had always been making the trip, the extra cost certainly wouldn't be an issue.


Well-known member
$45 is chump change taking into considering all the other money we spend on this sport and how often we ride the UP. I went to Wyoming once this year and paid $25 for a trail pass there. I probably did 6 or more UP trips this season and paid $35. Wyoming's trail pass was much more if you do the math. Saying all of that though... like I said before, one more poor UP snow season and I'm out or will be strictly out west for a while.


New member
$45 is chump change taking into considering all the other money we spend on this sport and how often we ride the UP. I went to Wyoming once this year and paid $25 for a trail pass there. I probably did 6 or more UP trips this season and paid $35. Wyoming's trail pass was much more if you do the math. Saying all of that though... like I said before, one more poor UP snow season and I'm out or will be strictly out west for a while.

how about twice to the UP and 4 times out west!!!!what the better value?

I like to point this out...this poll means nothing if the people who live in mich vote as i believe you only register your sled??do you still pay the same price as out-state??
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Well-known member
I hear ya. I gotta bring up the TML thing to our group. Leave the sleds there, no food worries, no booze worries, no guide worries... and get on Carter's good side LOL.


Active member
I voted yes because I live here and ride here, am I happy about it NO, 1st I have to buy permits for 4 sleds minimum 5 if my son in college decides to ride, 2nd we very rarely ride on trail and if we do it is only to get from one off trail spot to another so it is usually a short distance do I get my money's worth out of it NO I don't think so JMO.


New member
with so little snow here in Illinois, gotta vote yes.
i buy one for (actually 2) in WI. and MI.
gotta go north for the snow.


New member
Right now 10 no, 25 yes,

35 * $35 = $1,225
25 * $45 = $1,125

Looks good on paper. One thing your not factoring in is that 10 less sleds not ripping up our trails, 25 sleds paying more to care for less trail wear = better trails. In my view the $45 is way ahead.