Winter Storm: What a great night to run trails..


Active member
Friends arriving any minute from Trevor, WI. We are going out riding as soon as they get here. So pumped!


New member
White out conditions tonight towards wakefield mi. had to slow down to like 10 miles an hour could not see anthing but white! Love the high winds and non stop snow! this is what a UP winter should be like!


New member
Just came home today. The trails were very dusty weekend. With the snow coming down hard at times, the strong wind and then the on coming sleds, it became hard to see at times. Still had a great time. Just had to be more carefull.

Think Snow!!!
Team Fire Storm!!!


New member
Rode 450 miles this extended weekend... Paradise to Grand Marais to the Soo... and then back to Paradise.

2 feet just west of Paradise.


New member
It wasn't a great night to run trails. Had to go 25 mph and couldn't see a THING.

Had a night run like that last year when we got hammered in the Eastern UP in early March. Had plans to stay out and play till we couldn't take any more but had to cut it short when visibility got too bad.

Aside from trying to see throught the falling snow it was all you could do to keep your goggles or visor from packing up.