Wiring in a Heated Shield Plug


Hi All. I have a 2013 Indy 600 that I'd like to equip with a heated shield plug. This sled is NOT equipped with electric start, so I do not have a battery to connect to. Just looking for some advice and possible pictures showing where the best place to wire in the harness would be.
Thanks in advance for the help!


I think there is a ready made 2 wire plug in lower right corner of sled, along cowl, behind the brake. Plug & play. Can't remember the wire colors though??


Super easy install. My 2014 Indy 600 SP had the plug available. Instructions were in the Polaris kit to install and mount the plug on the handle bars.


Thanks to all! I got a couple of plug kits and wired up both my sleds this past weekend. Ready to roll north! Hard to wait, but the sub-zero temps coming and this new snow will make for a great early season! Looks like the first year in quite a few that the Christmas Holiday will be super white, well groomed, and ready to ride on!