In the past you could get a Wis trail sticker late in the season that would be good into the following year. Is that still the case? I see they run from July 1 to June 30 now so I'am thinking it may not. Thanks.
I used to get a sticker every year in Wis but haven't since they raised it to $35. This is an expensive sport and I try to keep expenses down by riding locally, finding good deals on oil, and doing my own maintenance. Setting up my family with $35 stickers is not a trivial expense. Fortunately, riding in SE Mn has been pretty decent in recent years.
I used to get a sticker every year in Wis but haven't since they raised it to $35. This is an expensive sport and I try to keep expenses down by riding locally, finding good deals on oil, and doing my own maintenance. Setting up my family with $35 stickers is not a trivial expense. Fortunately, riding in SE Mn has been pretty decent in recent years.