Wood stove glass gasket question


New member
We had an incident where the glass on one of the doors cracked over the weekend. We ordered the new glass and I see that there's a gasket around the glass. I also see that there are different sizes of gaskets that you can order for the glass.

How do you know what size/thickness to order? The original has a lot of it that has desinigrated so that won't help much.


Active member
Find the manufacturer of the stoves web site and get the manual or parts diagram. Or call them.

How the **** did you guys manage to break the glass in the first place?


New member
Find the manufacturer of the stoves web site and get the manual or parts diagram. Or call them.

How the **** did you guys manage to break the glass in the first place?

I put a new gasket around the door about a month ago. When a new gasket goes on, it makes the door harder to close because it's brand new. It is the correct size. In order to completely close the door, I had to take my rubber mallet and hit the bottom of the door while pushing down on the handle. I've never had a problem doing it but apparently Chris did. Instead of tapping the door, he hit the glass. Woops! :(

We ended up getting another piece of glass from Escanaba on Monday for $70. While he was installing that, he didn't have the old seal in the correct spot. While he was tightening down the screw...WOOPS broke the new one!! Unbelievable. I should've just did it myself. He has since ordered another piece of glass. I won't be able to put it on until later this week. I'm hoping the piece of galvanized will hold up until this is fixed.