WOW, I think I have a problem.


I just want you all to know that I could quit ANY TIME I want!

Main Entry: de·ni·al
Pronunciation: \di-ˈnī(-ə)l, dē-\
Function: noun
Date: 1528
1 : refusal to satisfy a request or desire
2 a (1) : refusal to admit the truth or reality (as of a statement or charge) (2) : assertion that an allegation is false b : refusal to acknowledge a person or a thing : disavowal
3 : a psychological defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality


New member
Me...yeah right...I don't have a problem... Really I don't...70 miles on ice and dirt today...Better than being a crack head (probally cost more though)


New member
Funny Nash! LOL. My wife's sister lives in Orlando, just retired from the Air Force, and she asked my wife if I would move to Florida. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, YEA RIGHT! I told her I might visit, maybe. LOL.

Only If she's On a good pond to rip the sled across!


New member
The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is removing the temptation. I will offer my services and would gladly take all your vids off of your hands for free to help remove some of your temptation.

Seriously, you don't have a problem, you have a theraputic hobby!


New member
Skylar Instead back in black you bleed for what a sight for the white You need a dose of Dr SNOWGOOD and a Stranglehold of the white stuff is all any snowhead needs . Take a Heaping dose of SNOWEXCEDERIN named BLEE ZARD and you will be ok Have a good night and hope all the SNOW BUGS BITE HAPPY SNOWY 2010!!!!!!
I used to keep all my sled stuff for years, but my wife got sick & tired of all of it & threw it out one night!!

And the divorce papers were served when?? Just kidding the best cure for a cranky wife is to buy her a sled and turn her into a junky too!!! Took mine out once and she was hooked!