wrist pain


New member
Anyone ever get wtist pain while riding? I have a pain on the inside of my wrist after a weekend ride and not sure whats going on. The dr. Will tell me but just curious until then.


Well-known member
Carpal tunnel and tendonitis, had it for years in my right wrist to the point that I could'nt hold a screw driver. sharp pain at the base of the thumb. Had the surgury 3 years ago, and things are much better, still bothers me a little if I do alot of Drywalling, but for the most part pain is gone. I can ride my sled all day now, no pain, and I used to were wrist supports and the pain was bad.


Active member
Sounds like it might be Carpal tunnel. Wear a wrist brace when you sleep it will help lots. I wore one when I rode when it got real bad. Then surgery on both hands and I've been good for 20+years now. Good Luck!


New member
That's what i was thinking it was but didn't want that as a answer. Lol did the wrist supports help? And i also have a small bump in my mid wrist as well when i bend my hand back. The only time it hurts is when i ride. Just started on the last trip i took.


New member
Welcome to my world. I have carpal tunnel real bad. Had it for years. Doctor says surgery sometimes don't help.. I can't afford the down time, being self employed. If you got "good" insurance and sick pay from work get it fixed. If not get the wrist braces with he built in metal supports. May need to go to a good pharmacy to find them. The wrist thingy helps during the day. Motrine helps.


Active member
Braces helped me for years. Wearing them at night is the best time because your not using your hands and it gives the wrist the proper rest. The bump is the tendon that wraps around your wrist that clamps down on the tunnel your nerves run thru. This is why you need to wear the brace to get the swelling down to release the nerves. Get the brace like PR1 said make sure it's a good one


New member
You may also try changing how you have your handle bars set. Sometimes a small change can make a big difference.


Well-known member
If carpal tunnel wrist pain is all u got u are doing good.
Sleeding usually brings my wrist pain out but after the back starts kicking in and the flexral can no longer do there job with out a stiff drink to help them along the wrist and knee seem trivial.sucks getting older and having to relive all your 20s acdents in the gourmet of pain.
Just hope I don't get to old in life where the arthritis really starts kicking in and I can't get out of bed

Banjo Man

New member
The last 2 years my right hand goes numb and a tingling sensation when I ride. I wrote it off as claw hand but it has gotten worse. Pull over and either clap my hands or hit my hand against my leg and good to go for a while. I think it may be tennis elbow but not sure.