y pipe gasket leak fix suggestions


New member
last year i put new gaskets in and tightened them with blue thread lock. What a poor design. dam thing is leaking again. hard to reach area. this summer I will redo again. Thing of getting a regular bolt instead of the allen wrench type. Any suggestions anyone? ski doo rt 1000 sdi


Well-known member
Forget the loctite and go with Nordlock washers. Not sure what size yours would take, but they're available at Fastenal or McMaster Carr.
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New member
X2 on the nordlocks. Will never have to check again. Take a bolt out and take with. They probably will have to order and don't be shocked by the price but well worth it.


New member
The blue locktite is not for high heat applications, like exhust bolts. Red or something for header bolts is needed. Regular bolts are not going to work as you cant get on them to tighten because of clearance issues.


New member
X3 on the nordlocks. Order a pack of 10 from McMaster Carr, they are not expensive compared to the time needed to keep re-tightening those bolts. My buddy did his 05 Doo 800 last year, I did my 06 Doo 500SS last week. You may have to cut an allen wrench and use a socket to turn it. The nordlocks I used on my 600 motor were 5/16". Check your Y-pipe for cracks when you remove it. After about 3K miles, mine was cracked everywhere, and a quarter-sized piece broke-off and went into the exhause can. That's why I needed to replace mine.


Well-known member
don't the stock doo Allen bolts come with lock washers and some kind of orange lock tight on the bolt?we had to do a gasket on a 800 summit this weekend in the doo dealer parking lot 3 were missing {nice}and the new ones had lock washer and lock tight stuff on them so we replaced all.at least it made it out of the bush.yeah you are right about a bear to get at.I could have done a full top end on my xfire in the time it took to do 8 bolts


Well-known member
The do come with lock washers, but they're standard lock washers and not Nordlocks. Yes, they do have some sort of threadlocker on the threads, but I'm assuming it's something that will hold up to the heat and not just plain ol' Loctite.


New member
Searched doo talk and this is a very common problem. Allmost all 5 pages go w Nord Lock washers. Only 25 bucks with new gaskets but it just sucks to look in there and see that leak again.