Yellow Grass


New member
Dave John is right I have had many dogs and after a female pees spray some water on it. My wife is nuts about hear lawn & when the kids bring there female dogs over she watches them & after they relieve themselves she poor alittle water on it. We have a sprinkler system in our lawn & it doesn't help much. As for shock collars I will respond on the other thread.


New member
Pet supply stores sell a product in a pill form that you give your dog once a day. I've been using it for several years with my dog during the grass growing season and it seems to work very good.


New member
I knew what I was bringing in to the house when I bought her as a pup. Just like my wife knew who/what she was marrying. A dog is a dog ! I have found that my dogs spots are just something that I have to accept. BUT what was the majority of the problem was the neighbors dogs....... My lawn can't tolerate everyones "dog on a walk " peeing in the same area. In my neighborhood I'm known as the "mailbox nazi" ( LOL ) It has taken 2 months for the grass in this area to start to recover. Everyone now walks on the other side of the street. Either that or I let my dobe out and she chases there dog down. She doesn't like other dogs or joggers ( too funny ). She is actually just " looking for a friend " but none of the neighbors know that except for the 1 across the street.

Now as far as the dog goes.... I love my dog," when everyone in the house is mad at me " she still loves me ! I do like the pill to lower the nitrogen suggestion but I'm already giving her a Zyrtec for allergies and a hormone pill.

I have also found that my Ferris 52" mower will burn the lawn if I stop in a spot . Never figured that 1 out but maybe I should put the heat shield back on the muffler ?????