Yikes Google Down 10% In Minutes!!


Well-known member
Starting to get concerned about the stock market since Google, IBM & Mcds all missing their numbers & over 200 point drop in Dow today. Retail with Xmas should have helped hold Q4 together but starting to have real doubts about USA Q4 & early 2013. I felt Ok with market but starting to think maybe time to move some things around or out? When blue chips start missing forecasts you got to be concerned even Apple down. Hmmmm what to do??


New member
consensus is that the market is over priced and the base is not as strong as we are led to believe. Folks are hanging in there because there is no sense in putting it in the bank which pays 1% interest on CD's....

A good correction is more than likely based upon the above. I will pull back for a bit and see what happens.

Corrections can be quicker than a flash of lightning with computer trading. Hang on to your hat!
I leave my stuff in mutual funds and out of individual stocks and ignore the daily changes to the market. Too stressful to buy/sell/buy/sell IMO... My highs may not be as high, but my lows are definitly not as low.


Well-known member
I leave my stuff in mutual funds and out of individual stocks and ignore the daily changes to the market. Too stressful to buy/sell/buy/sell IMO... My highs may not be as high, but my lows are definitly not as low.

Just so you know you can move most mutal funds around free of charge exchange this for that may have 2 week to 30 day time limit but all my moves at least 30 days on the bench looking for daylight. I think next week will be a disappointing reporting week see how the market reacts did not react well on Friday wipped out any gains. An on target report or 2 will settle things down a string of disappointments of missed targets & in the dumper quickly telling of bigger problems with the ecomomy...... Just have to see. Unfortunately I didn't think I had to make any moves until later after the election with huge concern over fiscal cliff. Kinda got caught looking past here & now & never ever should do that I know better. :(


New member

Nash...whatcha gunna do when you have a greeenie who doesn't have all the stock market lingo....

"WIPPED" is a combination of wiped out and pee'd on.... which happens very frequently if you play the market....

It often happens when you have to go void your morning coffee...so you leave the cumpooter for just that long only to come back to find that Google has tanked. Moral to the story.....wear astronaut diapers! :eek: Obviously Whitey...has not explored that section of his drug store yet!

Tisk, tisk!


Well-known member
I was shocked it was not more
lots of money going to be leaving the country in the next few weeks


yea but this is what 51% wanted and here we are people. Hang on to your socks tight


Well-known member
small gold and silver coins worked out very well for me 4yrs ago I think it is going to to the same this time around


Well-known member
Regardless of president, I project an increasing economy next couple of years. Corporate profits are sky high and the market was around 13,000, my stocks are doing great! The flipside is a jobless recovery, thats where hopefully things start heating up and get people back to work. You want a good economy then buy American.


Well-known member
Regardless of president, I project an increasing economy next couple of years. Corporate profits are sky high and the market was around 13,000, my stocks are doing great! The flipside is a jobless recovery, thats where hopefully things start heating up and get people back to work. You want a good economy then buy American.

Sure hope so but lots of investment tax details could change how you are invested. Capitial gains & Yield stocks might get huge tax hike so not suree what to do with those yet? I'm retired & that is how I get income so big problem for me. :(


Active member
google should be a long term hold..... look at the big picture.
markets react at times but I dont see google losing value with what they have in the works. Just the technology for cars to drive them selves is enough for me to get excited about. They have so many amazing innovations on the way!
I saw that dip in prise as a buy opportunity.


Well-known member
yeah i totally agree with you on that. Capital gains tax is a issue many people are worried about. Im in my mid 30's and I do follow the issue but im sure its going to change 10 times before I start drawing on my gains. Hopefully they can maintain a positive tax incentive for investment gains.