You can all thank me ha ha


So I was bored today, drain all the gas out of my two sleds, disassemble the whole dash cluster to get to fuel filter to change annnnndddd no one has one have to order. Guess what it's snowing at a good pace right now, ur welcome ha ha


Well-known member
Go figure. My sled was apart for almost 3 weeks, thought for sure that would provide great temptation for the snow gods. No joy, though.


New member
I still haven't put my sled back together from Oct. I was worried the first part of Dec but after seeing the forcast (nothing changing in the weather patterns) for the next 2 weeks. I have more time. Still have to finish the inside of the new trailer also.

Team Elkhorn

Looks like I just beat the snow home. It just started coming down now. Thanks ffemt, good timing.:eek:


I'm suppose to get my sleds from storage this week. If I leave them there for 1 more week will it snow more?