my first job was working on a coal mine, as a helper, picking spilled coal and placing it in 5 gallon buckets or piles, started at about the age of 8 yrs old, and cannot tell you how many coal slivers I had under my fingernails and other body parts<br> came home black as coal and coudl spit dust at will! most likely would have qualified for Black lung claims if I was old enough to legally have been working! <br><br>it sure wasn't the most fun job in the world, but they let kids do it, and it paid pretty well for a kid, if a kid was motivated that is!<br>got paid by how much you did!<br>and sure kept me in shape , and got me access to a lot of places to ride my dirt bikes that were closed to other folks!<br><br>I sure was not a lazy kid I know that, worked by butt off ! and I know most kids today, you couldn't pay them to go do that type of work, they just plain refuse too! <br> far too many to soiled these days!<br>don't even know what physical labor really is any more! IMO!<br> even construction sites any more, you seldom see manual labor happening, everything gets done with machines these days! and the prices for work sure show it!<br><br> on a side note if anyone cares!<br><br> I picked SO much coal as kid, few would believe me<br> but from the age of about 8 to about 15, I stock piled enough coal , that I had a my own coal cracker , shakers and all for different sizes, and cracked and sold enough coal to buy me several MX bikes a truck, and many others things, when I stopped selling it, I left it at my uncles where he heated his house for 30+ yrs till he passed away<br><br> when he passed away I bought his property, and I didn;t wish to burn coal, there so, I tried giving it away, NO one would come get it, so I sold it to a local coal company<br> sold over 250 ton that was LEFT over from all that I had picked as kid and was still on property!<br><br>I picked all that coal using 5 gallon buckets, one at a time, or in lumps and brought back cracked, sported and piled! all before the age of 16!!<br><br> I would imagine I must have picked over a thousand ton o coal as a kid for this place, NOT counting what I picked while working on the job!, all that at my uncles was picked on days off for extra income and to help my uncle out!<br><br> and NOW I know why my back hurts every day LOL!!