Yukon Men


New member
Have you been watching this series? These guys are hard core sledders. The conditions that they ride in must beat the he!! out of the those tired sleds. Gets the blood flowing!


Staff member
Tried watching it, but all the overdramatics turned me off. Bunch of little red riding hoods... Everything is: Wolves are gonna eat them, black bear are gonna eat them. I suspect in a few more episodes it will be the chipmunks and squirrels that will be a threat next.

And just to clarify. I am not saying these guys are a bunch of wimps or frady-cats, just the scripting and editing tends to make mountains of or mole-hills in a lot of their adventures... in my opinion anyway. Same can be said for a lot of the "reality" shows out there these days.



Well-known member
Tried watching it, but all the overdramatics turned me off. Bunch of little red riding hoods... Everything is: Wolves are gonna eat them, black bear are gonna eat them. I suspect in a few more episodes it will be the chipmunks and squirrels that will be a threat next.

And just to clarify. I am not saying these guys are a bunch of wimps or frady-cats, just the scripting and editing tends to make mountains of or mole-hills in a lot of their adventures... in my opinion anyway. Same can be said for a lot of the "reality" shows out there these days.


100% agree kill anything that comes close to town you got to be kidding!! The wolf might have been a problem but could have also moved on but they killed it on the river no less running away. lol The black bear at the dump is bound to be gunned down for what snacking at the the town dump? Give me a break nothing but a big racoon say boo & black bear will run with tail between his/her legs. Overdramatic is understatement must think we are a bunch of idiots.lol


Active member
Its kind of a shame. Discovery used to be the channel you could turn to to get away from all the baloney drama. Now it's one of the worst offenders!! Like how they took the Survivorman concept and turned it into some buffoon, jumping around and eating poo. At least Les Stroud had enough sense to move on and do it on his own.

I have to admit though, I do watch Yukon men. Seeing snowmobiles on prime time TV is cool, no matter how much drama its surrounded by! lol


Well-known member
The standup on old iron with ultra fat skis is AOk but the story lines are goofy to any outdoorsman. Shoot the wolf, shoot the black bear just because? Yukon Men would be much better showing man & nature coming together not senseless killing of any animal that just happens to be there. Their trapping was interesting & river ice breaking is dangerous & cold as heck is cold but there is no story line to killing a wolf or bear that wanders around town. Can that even be legal?


Well-known member
Yep shot dead a black bear naughty bear eating hanging dried fish like putting cake on a table with kids around. Oh my gosh you ate the cake!!lol


Well-known member
yeah, they had to hype up a scene where they crossed about 6 feet of open water on a snowmobile, even did a commercial break to build it up more. I had to laugh at that one!


New member
Its kind of a shame. Discovery used to be the channel you could turn to to get away from all the baloney drama. Now it's one of the worst offenders!! Like how they took the Survivorman concept and turned it into some buffoon, jumping around and eating poo. At least Les Stroud had enough sense to move on and do it on his own.

These programs have gone straight down hill...beginning with Ice Road Truckers...and the dozen or so follow-up programs.

First look at the people they have producing these things....zero background for anything other than how to make a story line out of something that should have been limited to one or two programs. Most would not know which end of a "snow machine" to sit on.

Secondly whatcha gunna do to keep something like this interesting?? Ah yes....add some drama....he said she said, and oh boy whatchagunna do about it...punch em out kind of stuff.

To those who do know which end of the machine to sit on...it is a disappointment after about 10 minutes maybe less. Might as well watch the Wx channel.

Next time you tune into one of these "nice scenery" shows.....just mute the sound....and add your own story line to it. You might be able to get thru the whole show doing this....but be sure to change stations when the commercials come up.


New member
I enjoy the "nice scenery" but find the need for drama distasteful. As a farmer I hope they don't do a farm reality show. They could fit all the real excitment of my whole lifetime into 1 hour, farming is mostly long and boaring.


Active member
Next time you tune into one of these "nice scenery" shows.....just mute the sound....and add your own story line to it. You might be able to get thru the whole show doing this....but be sure to change stations when the commercials come up.

I find it helps to yell profanities at the TV, in between scenery shots. ;)


Well-known member
I find it helps to yell profanities at the TV, in between scenery shots. ;)

LOL! But hey, it's worth a try.

bobsledder, I think you just put the curse on the farming reality show. You know it can't be far off. No end to story lines: Someone lost in the corn field, woodchucks in the garden....extreme drama.
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Staff member
There were some producers of these types of shows up here last season talking to our groomer boss about a trail groomer type reality show. Did not appear the idea flew too well, they have not been back.



Well-known member
There were some producers of these types of shows up here last season talking to our groomer boss about a trail groomer type reality show. Did not appear the idea flew too well, they have not been back.


Now I would probably watch this, although as someone said when this concept came up a few months back: "Terror at 8 mph."