Yukon Men


Deleted member 10829

Some are pretty good and others not so good. The market will decide and if not enough viewers, they will be gone. I still like IRT and my favorite is Gold Rush. A very close second goes to Deadliest Catch! I've never watched Yukon Men, just didn't interest me.


New member
I enjoy the "nice scenery" but find the need for drama distasteful. As a farmer I hope they don't do a farm reality show. They could fit all the real excitment of my whole lifetime into 1 hour, farming is mostly long and boaring.

Oh, Man....Nash is gunna have a field day with this one! :mad:

Hey, Bob....I can think of a few story lines....Remember when you went to jump on the tractor and missed and broke your foot? Or when the pigs got out and ate all the neighbor's veggies? Or when your farm dog lifted his leg on the postman delivering mail?

Don't sell yourself short....these producers are desperate and will film anything that can sell a Viagra commercial!!! ---^


Active member
Oh, Man....Nash is gunna have a field day with this one! :mad:

… They could fit all the real excitment [sic] of my whole lifetime into 1 hour, farming is mostly long and boaring [sic].

Well lemme see:
"Excitment": "Ex" = former (like "ex wife"?); "citment" perhaps a mis-spelling of "sitment", a place to "sit"? Put 'em together and it must be a reference to one's former outhouse? Dey yoosta have dem on da farm back in da day, mebby some still do.
"boaring": Could be either raisin' pigs on da farm or huntin' wild boar? ;)