maybe its just catching up finally...
just be responsible with your freedom and they wont take it away!!!
In an effort to eliminate alcohol as a major contributing factor in snowmobiling fatalities and injuries, the snowmobiling community unanimously adopted a "Zero Tolerance" position on drinking and riding. At the International Snowmobile Congress in June, 2002, the snowmobile organizations endorsed a 0.0 percent blood alcohol content as the only acceptable level while riding a snowmobile.
The incidence of alcohol involvement in preventable snowmobiling fatalities and injuries is well documented, with the highest proportion of alcohol-related snowmobile crashes occurring at night among 19-34 year old males. This behavior is unacceptable to most snowmobilers … responsible, family people who do not drink and ride, so the snowmobile community launched the "Zero Tolerance while Snowmobiling Campaign". It is meant to reinforce and complement existing safety initiatives such as public education, policy/legislation and enforcement already in place in many jurisdictions across the country.
One of the images that the general public has about our sport is that all snowmobilers drink alcohol while operating their snowmobiles. And, as we all know, that is not the truth!! This image is perceived due to a high majority of fatal accidents, as well as other accidents, involving the snowmobile operator's use of alcohol. We need to change this image.
The Zero Tolerance program is voluntary!! It is not a mandatory program and does nothing to reduce current state laws that set the legal blood alcohol level. It is hoped that peer pressure will prevail and that snowmobilers will not ride with those who have consumed alcohol.
What will zero tolerance mean for the sport of snowmobiling? It will mean that every snowmobiler will be asked to take the "Zero Tolerance Pledge". The pledge will be one that says, "Zero Tolerance I Say, 'til I'm Done For the Day." The individual will not consume alcohol of any type while operating a snowmobile, until the snowmobile day is done.
To increase awareness of this program, ACSA is currently working on a decal or ribbon that can be put on all snowmobiles. These ribbons or decals will hopefully catch the attention of other snowmobilers, prompting them to ask you what it's all about. When you explain Zero Tolerance to them, perhaps we will encourage some riders who are endangering our kids, our spouses and ourselves to change their ride habits.
Do the right thing - don't drink until the snowmobile is parked for the day!
For additional information, contact ACSA or your state snowmobile association.