Any funny riding stories???


New member
Anyone have any funny riding stories? Dumb things you have done while riding??

Here is one from me. Man was it stupid.

Maybe 15 years ago or so.

Needed a a new shield for my HJC helmet. Bought it, put it on and took off the protective film on the front. All looked good. Went to Canada riding, and just could not see. Could not figure out the problem. I thought what a piece of junk this new shield is. Well, after about 100 miles of riding that day, I noticed that it also had protective film on the inside that I never took off.

What a dummy....


Well-known member
i never took off the protective film on my helmet for 6 years! the shield was like new! i just never noticed it and the visibility with the film was fine


New member
i never took off the protective film on my helmet for 6 years! the shield was like new! i just never noticed it and the visibility with the film was fine

I just removed the film off the clock on my 15 yr. old microwave. Thanks guys for making me aware of such things! lol


New member
1st new sled I mounted a spark plug holder on the top of my belt gaurd. One snowy winter day I was out getting it in a field when I heard a pop and my sled coasted to a stop, ug oh! The spark plug holder blew appart and one of the spark plugs went for a ride on the inside of my belt blowing the belt gard lid up and putting a nasty dent in the cover. At first when a looked down in the belly pan I saw this long 3 inch spring and feared the worst. It was all funny when we realized what had happened.


Well-known member
Anyone have any funny riding stories? Dumb things you have done while riding??
is one from me. Man was it stupid.

Maybe 15 years ago or so.

Needed a a new shield for my HJC helmet. Bought it, put it on and took off the protective film on the front. All looked good. Went to Canada riding, and just could not see. Could not figure out the problem. I thought what a piece of junk this new shield is. Well, after about 100 miles of riding that day, I noticed that it also had protective film on the inside that I never took off.

What a dummy....

I did that


Well-known member
like maybe the time went out riding at like 11 at night to catch last call road sled for like 40mi that day about 20mi from home pulled over to take a pee and heard a clunk. well I never put the clutch bolt back on and clutch was laying in belly pan at night in the middle of the did it stay on so long?


New member
after riding almost 500 miles one weekend literally the last mile claimed three of the five of us.we were messing around and all rolled them.mine was at about midnight,no studs on my track,got a little too much throttle in the only lit intersection in town.did a doughnut then the front end started coming around and caught a crack in the road and over it i have a new windshield and mirror


Active member
Took some new guys sleddin last year. We were at the Konteka, one of the new guy's with a rental decided to head up this giant pile of snow, just off the side of the building. He flew up to the top and luckily stopped before headin down the othere side. About ten sleds parked on the other side. He didn't know what to do, so he jumped off, and it rolled back down. He had to pay for a new hood, and shield. He never got too crazy the rest of the week.


New member
Funny how things happen at the end of the trip. The wife and i went with another couple last year to NY for valentines weekend. Had a great time. Nothing broke on any of the sleds and no bodily damage. I always tone it back a bit when the wifes are along, we get back to the lodge and chris, the other husband and i start to play around in the parking lot/field on the plowed snow banks before loading up to go home. I get the great idea of getting a little air coming off of one of the banks and spear my sled into another bank behind the bank i jumped. Sled came to a complete halt and over the bars i went. Nice bruise on the leg from the bars and a broken windshield. I still hear about from the wife (jokingly) Thank goodness the cameras were not rolling! first and only time i have wiped out on a sled in 10 years. of course it happened with everyone watching.


I see i'm not the only one that didn't remove the protective film from helmet for a long time. It sure was nice to be able to see when it was gone!


New member
My brother-in-law and another buddy swear they saw big foot on the side of the trail one night near Marquette two years ago. They are dead serious.


New member
Anyone have any funny riding stories? Dumb things you have done while riding??

Here is one from me. Man was it stupid.

Maybe 15 years ago or so.

Needed a a new shield for my HJC helmet. Bought it, put it on and took off the protective film on the front. All looked good. Went to Canada riding, and just could not see. Could not figure out the problem. I thought what a piece of junk this new shield is. Well, after about 100 miles of riding that day, I noticed that it also had protective film on the inside that I never took off.

What a dummy....

We got a helmet really cheap because someone did this. They said they coulden't see, and gave us a really good deal on it because it was a "piece of junk."


New member
A few years back we were ridding on day one of a three day saddle bag trip. About 30 miles into the trip I noticed that my buddies saddle bag had come loose and was dragging behind his sled by the one strap that had not come loose. I tried to catch him as he was leading but the closer I got the faster he would go. I even tried yelling but that was no help. This went on for several miles until the bouncing bag was sucked up by the track and his studs shredded the bag and all of his clothes because the one strap was now holding the bag between the tunnel and track. He had to wear the same clothes for three days which is not a big deal for most of us guys but it was still hilarious.



New member
wak, that one is good. Same kind of thing happened to me. Noticed a new guy riding with us had his bibs side zipper undone. Tried to wave for him to stop, he thought I was being cocky and wanting to race. So off we went, for the first 1/2 mile or so I was trying to stop him. After that I said screw it and let him catch up with me. Until finally I saw him waving his arms. I turned around to go back and ask what was wrong and he said he would ride more but he was dang cold. I played stupid and asked him why???


New member
This is the best thread yet. I had to wipe my eyes I was laughing so hard. This is the stuff that keeps us comming back for more.


Active member
Friday night I Headed to my cousins place up on lake simcoe. We got up saturday morning and after breakfeast headed out to his ice shanty to see how his buddies who were also up from where he grew up had done fishing. They had spent the night out there fishing for lakers. It was a bright sunny day and as we approached the shanty I slowed up but my cousin swung a wide loop and opened her up. I could see he was going to wind (or wake) the guys inside up by buzzing the shanty. What my cousin had failed to see in the bright sun was that the snow had drifted badly around the shanty and when he hit that drift at full till all I heard was this loud thuummmpp as he and the machine launched. I have never seen anything like that flight that he took and have not since. I dont know how he managed to hang on as he flew through the air but he did, even as the machine started to go upside down. I swear the tail light was the furthest point forward at one time but he still would not let go. I thought he was going to flip right over but the machine began to come down and the skis were now beginning to point in the right direction. As he neared the ground he was about level and one ski touched and then the other ski touched and they chived back and forth for a bit before he was completly down but at this point his legs were straight out the back and he was belly down on the seat still hanging on to the bars for dear life. He finally came to a stop and throttled back around to me and asked if I had brung any wipes as he was in dire need at this point!
I wish I could have got that on tape! BTW the boys from home had about 5 or 6 nice lakers.


New member
Any funny rideing stories ???

Buddy and I were on a saddle bag trip and a sled quit. We got the back up out of the truck and got on our way. Went good for a while and then in a windy cold storm on a grade the back up quit at a road crossing. We had been running this grade for a while and it was pretty cold so we were thinking froze carbs. We were right and so we were along side the trail in heavy snow cleaning carbs. Wonderful people would stop to check on us as we were hunched over this sled from each side. It was snowing so hard we were trying to keep the falling snow out of our trail side tune up... As we would turn to say thanks and we were OK most people’s eyes would get big when they saw the disassembled carbs in our hands. We finally got it back together and rode 800 flawless miles.


New member
So I was told by my uncle, and he swears by this, him and his son were riding up in the Duluth area and while on the trail a kangaroo hopped across the trail. Never believed him till I saw a ostrich a few years ago on the trails and thought I was going insane. only to find out later that a guy was raising them in the area and one got loose. oh lord! Ha


New member
Every spring I fog the cylinders and put in the spark plugs finger tight. In the fall I torch the oil off the plugs, reinstall and go for the 'shake down' ride. After that the new plugs go in.

One year after torching the plugs and putting them back in I forgot to tighten them with the plug wrench. We go for the maiden ride. 5 miles and BLAM! Big loss of power, noise, smoke. I am sure I blew the motor.

I open the hood and surprise! One of the spark plugs had vibrated almost completely out of the hole, and then blew out and was just hanging by the wire. Phew.....

Wife got a good laugh....she saw the whole thing.

Since then I probably check the plugs 3-4 times before the 'first ride' each fall..... :)