Recent content by LoveMyDobe

  1. LoveMyDobe


    8 inches in Bayfield Co in WI They open the trails up again until Sunday but no grooming except for the TriCounty Corridor
  2. LoveMyDobe

    The annual 24-25 how many miles thread!

    Guessing 250 miles out my driveway in Bayfield and Douglas CO (WI)
  3. LoveMyDobe

    3 Old Guys; Daily Update

    I was just on their FB page and they overnighted in Iron River WI on the 13th!! I don't think any locals even knew.
  4. LoveMyDobe


    We ended up for the weekend at least 8 to10 inches Bayfield CO WI Trails are GREAT!
  5. LoveMyDobe


    Iron River WI got 5inches at least from late yesterday afternoon til this AM and still coming down
  6. LoveMyDobe

    2-8 Snowfalls

    An inch in Iron River WI overnight. Still snowing. Up to 3 inches forecasted just like the last "storm". Trails are good, many riders reporting great things. Sled dog races today, since they were cancelled last year this be wonderful conditions for them too. Detour on the TriCounty Corridor...
  7. LoveMyDobe


    3 inches overnight Iron River WI
  8. LoveMyDobe


    Iron River WI 4 inches at the most. says 5 inches
  9. LoveMyDobe

    One Dead in Vilas County over the weekend

    A guy also went though the ice on Lake Superior by Ashland, body found next day
  10. LoveMyDobe


    I'm mainly on FB as I am the administrator of Trails North ATV club(our website gets no action) and also administrator of my Rescue-United Doberman Rescue and Canine Castaways of MN.. I creep a lot of people's page when they want to adopt, it works great for that!!!
  11. LoveMyDobe

    A Three Dog Night!

    I do! Amazing. Again I thought about selling again this year if lack of snow( and hubs still isn't all that interested) but we were out on Jan 16 servicing the restrooms on the trail and I realized how much I still love riding. Also our insurance guy said the company he had us with was no...
  12. LoveMyDobe


    a couple inches of fluff in Iron River WI Lake Effect falling right now
  13. LoveMyDobe

    A Three Dog Night!

    Currently. More toys than wood. Priorities 🤗
  14. LoveMyDobe

    A Three Dog Night!

    I have 10 acres of wood and plenty of downfall. But then he decided too much work dragging out of woods so had logger deliver semi loads. That’s costly and you still have to cut split and stack
  15. LoveMyDobe

    A Three Dog Night!
