Do i get a t shirt or something to commemorate my survival?...XL please.
I feel for all of us who have lost a love one as we all do, but making it a political blame game is a new low for either side of the aisle.
Are you happy with the daily infusion we are all being indoctrinated with over the covid cold? Do you want every virus that comes along in the future to be tracked as closely and also rammed into our psyche? Does it give you a warm fuzzy and slightly superior feleling when you virtue signal...
Counted among the "unvaccinated" include No shots, first shot only, second shot only . So if you haven't gotten the latest booster after your initial doses, you are considered" unvaccinated"
If it was a real killer they wouldn't need to fudge the numbers as died "with" covid. In another day and time we wouldn't be testing the guy with a gunshot wound for covid.
We as a society thin out these viruses as time goes on and develop herd immunity ever since man was either created or a fish was created and then crawled out of water and became a monkey. This one was different. The government interfered with the normal progression it should have taken .
Here we...
So what. Unfortunately I think the world has more and more control freaks in it and they show up everywhere now even forgetting WHY they are out's not so the look pretty and stay that's so all of us who flit the bill can ride them.
OK I'll say my annual piece....LOL Once the ground is good and frozen, Let the sled owners figure out if the trails are sled worthy. I might have 5 miles in front of my house that look great. I should be able to run it back and forth all day if I chose. We never get pristine trails down here so...
Looks like Walworth is open as well. Racine is still closed for some reason....4" and frozen ground used to be the rule , now too many ppl rule over the trail openings anymore.