Search results

  1. M

    Your 1st & 2nd Sled? Age & Area

    1st. 1980 Scorpion Whip 440 Rode it when I was 10 years old in 1992 around Grand Haven, MI. My father bought 15 new Scorpions to rent out in the Land O' Lakes area. It never turned a profit and sold all but 2 shortly after. 2nd. 1990 Polaris Indy Classic Put many miles on this sled...
  2. M

    Revving VS. Running it Up for Storage

    I start my sled and rev it without engaging the clutch every 2-3 weeks to keep things operational. But I'm thinking it's better to peg the flipper for a bit so fuel runs through the main jet to keep it clear. Does fuel run through the main jet when only revved up to 3k? Trying to avoid pulling...
  3. M

    -42(not wind chill)!!These guys/gals from YellowKnife are hardcore

    Check out Allan Gofenko youtube channel(episode 6). They have to heat the coolant in there sleds for 2 hours using a genertor they tote around, then use a hair drier to heat injectors before they will start. That is some dedication....
  4. M

    AVALANCHE! Snow Removal Rake

    This Avalanche Wheeled Roof Rake rolls through snow removal chores twice as fast as standard roof rakes. Anyone ever try this?
  5. M

    What is the Best Paint or Protectant for plywood trailers?

    Fiberglass matt and epoxy.
  6. M

    How to cleanly remove Huck Rivets. S-Module

    Cut down the side with a sharpened air chisel then punch off the side of the rivet. A lot quicker and cleaner than using a drill.
  7. M

    Miles racked up on Tow Vehicle/Sled?

    Tow Vehicle: 221,000 miles on a 1995 gas V8 Original motor and trans, no suspension work. Major Repairs- 2 alternators, Water Pump, Intake gasket and oil cooler lines About 2,500 miles per year towing City MPG- 12.5 HWY- 14.5 Towing MPG- 8-10 Sled: 2,900 miles on a 2010 800cc Repairs- Clutch...
  8. M

    How many engines you got?

    I have 7 and it's too many.
  9. M

    Is this normal piston wear?

    I'm not seeing a scuff marks but it does not look normal to me. Sled has 1800 miles on it.
  10. M

    Rich oil=Lean Burn

    Hello, Trying to trace down detonation issue on my 2010 800Ptek and I'm now thinking that my 30:1-32:1 oil mix is the root cause. Could this be possible? Will adjusting to 35:1 or 40:1 cause more fuel to enter the combustion camber?
  11. M

    2-Stroke 800cc and crappy gas.

    Wondering if anyone has figured out how to cure detonation problems when forced to buy gas containing %15 ethonal or stagnate premium gas? My Ski-Doo 800r trips the knock sensor code and retards the timing on certain types of gas. It also seems to happen more often when my gas tank is less...
  12. M

    2-Stroke 800cc and crappy gas.

  13. M

    New product from Boyesen. PowerPack for 2008-2013 800R Rev-XP.

    Just got off the phone with Boyesen and they are releasing a new powerpack kit for the 2008-2013 800r. Comes with alumium intake boots, reed cages and power-wings! Figure i'd get this and not have to worry about the rubber boots delaminating anymore.
  14. M

    How far over the WI border

    before they start checking for trail permits? We only have MI permits and possibly want to head into Conover. I've seen DNR in MI around Watermeet a few times but never in WI.
  15. M

    Top 3 Bars

    1. Bauers Dam/ Conover 2. George Young/ Iron River 3. Gateway Lodge/ Land O'
  16. M

    Past Bridge/ Trail 122-124

    What do you guy like better when going to Copper Harbor, trail 3 or 122-124-134? Never been up that far. We are heading out from Bergland.
  17. M

    Trail Side Meal/Snacks

    Anyone cook trailside? Might bring along some ceddar brats and kindling to roast some brats. Also, any good ideas for food to bring along for a quick meal? Looking to put on some serious miles. Thought about Muscle Milk, Jerky, Payday bars.
  18. M

    Most Miles Run

    What's the most miles put on in one day?? I didn't record the miles, but the longest run I had was in 94' from Phelps to Porcupine Mountains. It was my dad and I on a couple Scorpion 440 whips. Those were some durable sleds in thier day. Thinking about running from South Gogebic to trail 134...
  19. M

    Sylvania Wilderness Area

    Hello, We are leaving for Bass/Northern fishing trip and heading to Sylvania in the U.P. After reading all the rules that they have I'm thinking it would not work for us. Is there another area in the Land O' Lakes area that allows camping directly on a lake with gas motors allowed and has...