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  1. F

    Lake trail markings

    ok thank you!
  2. F

    Lake trail markings

    Yeah I understand, just wondering if anyone heard if they had any plans to remove barrels. If I go it will be this Sunday through Wed.
  3. F

    Lake trail markings

    May try one more trip to Price County, anyone have an idea how long the barrels will be on the lakes?
  4. F

    Ontarios NWOSTA loop

    Sounds awesome, thanks for sharing.
  5. F

    Tomahawk update 2-15-23

    Maybe some snow next week, let's hope
  6. F

    SE WI - Walworth - Waukesha - Racine - Kenosha - Jefferson Counties

    Scratching my head on this one, should have stayed open one more day.
  7. F

    3 day weekend for many of you......HOWEVER....

    young whipper snappers, us older guys know better. not calling anyone
  8. F

    Advice on Buying Snowmobile Lift

    Thanks Gary, I think I am going buy one
  9. F

    Here we go... again.

    Same type of people that would steal your helmet. If you can't afford the gas,....stay home!
  10. F

    Johndee website down?

    uh oh what detour? Not too familiar with area
  11. F

    Advice on Buying Snowmobile Lift

    anyone ever try the easymove lift?
  12. F

    Here we go... again.

    rat bstrds
  13. F

    Johndee website down?

    Probably heading to Phelps area week after next, at least it looks like it will cool down a little
  14. F

    Johndee website down?

    Did they remove the snow for Thursday from the forecast in northern Wisconsin? I saw yesterday 5" on accuweather now it's' gone
  15. F

    Yet Another weather WTF

    My fault too, I started my snowblower and took my sleds out of the trailer.
  16. F

    Farmers Almanac

    Predicting snow and cold, bring it on!
  17. F

    Trouble With Reaching This Website

    First time I got on in days
  18. F

    Water skiing and Ice Fishing

    I think the guys on the ice are crazier, that doesn't look like good
  19. F

    Price County Info

    Just stayed at Moose Jaw last week. They have 91 gas and the bar and restaurant right there. Not open for breakfast and they are closed the first part of the week. Gas is 24HR though. We rented a cabin and cooked breakfast in the morning and rode all day after that.
  20. F

    Forecast Graphic for today

    🤞 fingers crossed, I like what I see!