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    Snow Storm Feb 21 and 22

    Yep...storm is a bust here too (Tomahawk area) less than an inch yesterday into this the local weather clowns here are saying only 2 to 4 today...ill take what we can get...but what a let down...nowhere near the forecasted 6 to 12 plus inches.
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    Snow Storm Feb 21 and 22

    NOTHING so far in Tomahawk and's been snowing lightly all day near Lac du Flambeau...3 inches so far up there
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    end up with 4.5 in Tomahawk....trails looking good (just rode in to work this morning, even the railroad grade is good)
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    Area conditions

    it's good wet snow...not fluff....31 degrees currently...about 4.5 inches in Tomahawk....trails looking real good
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    Tomahawk Wi. Area : Best trails and Pitstops : Couples trip 2/11-2/13

    Update....we received 4.5 inches of snow....I rode in this morning...even the grade was good (best it's been in weeks)
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    Tomahawk Wi. Area : Best trails and Pitstops : Couples trip 2/11-2/13

    Garage is NOT downtown it's on Hwy 8 west of even close to your motel
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    4 plus inches near Lake Nokomis (Tomahawk area, Wisconsin) of 10:45 pm, and still snowing
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    Tomahawk Wi. Area : Best trails and Pitstops : Couples trip 2/11-2/13

    Garage is owners...still snowing...4 plus inches so far
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    Tomahawk Wi. Area : Best trails and Pitstops : Couples trip 2/11-2/13

    Bootleggers is closed for is currently snowing far 2 to 3 inches...trails could be much improved for the weekend...couldn't believe it...saw folks riding bare gravel on the grade today..this snow should help if people weren't blowing it off the trail while it was falling.
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    Tomahawk Wi. Area : Best trails and Pitstops : Couples trip 2/11-2/13

    Lots of great places to eat...Sandwiches ,chili, soup, salads etc/ sports bar type places include Billy Bob's, Tilted Loon, Outboards (all near or just off the railroad grade...several places also have good pizza (Twin Bay, as well) Supper Club's...include Pine Tree (Down Town, a little tricky...
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    Forest County

    Umm...I messaged the clubs directly on Facebook and got little to no I took to using the old stand by trail report sites....some people do not know the area, (like myself)...and you do realize there are 3 counties and several clubs that maintain trails...and like I said..if u don't...
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    Oneida/Lincoln update 1/31

    You nailed it...not much more to say...its a park and ride, and people do use it...some folks don't like to leave there rigs there as it's not secure (no cameras etc)...however..Lincoln County does patrol it often...I personally call resorts, and offer a little cash to park for the weekend (some...
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    Oneida/Lincoln update 1/31

    Main spurs through any town and railroad grades are in rough shape....lots of sugar snow and snirt...get out and away from towns, and high traffic areas...and the trails get whiter, and can still find some decent riding..its getting to it that's a little tough...the snow has had the...
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    Forest County

    Yep..remember when we reported for snowtracks and they booted us (because a certain business in eagle river that advertised with their site was upset at our "negative (honest) reports" site is now dying and rarely updated which is too bad...but in a way I'm glad it's failing
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    Forest County

    I have been trying for a week to get accurate info on Florence and Forest County trails...nobody knows nothing...even the casino has no clue on trail conditions in the's really frustrating...the club sites are old and not updated very often....well...i guess we'll get over there and...
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    Are trails being refreshed enough

    the answer to the NO (at least for north central Wisconsin)...heaviest traffic I have seen in years up here..snow pounded to sugar with snirt in most high traffic areas...haven't had any decent snow fall in 2 weeks, and none in the forecast for the next week...not looking promising...
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    Oneida/Lincoln update 1/31

    It got real soft out there too with warm temps, today,and yesterday...mother nature not cooperating, and the heaviest traffic I have seen up here in 3 years...great for the businesses...happy for them...but deep down kinda bummed at how pounded out the trails are (with no fresh snow)
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    Oneida/Lincoln update 1/31

    Once again heavy traffic has taken a toll.....the trails in around the heavy traffic areas (in town, and railroads grades) are fair to poor with lots of snirt and sugar snow....there is still some good riding to be had..(Harrison Hills, and Willow region)..but you will probably have to ride some...
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    Oneida/Lincoln County 1/24

    Yes...directly east of Tomahawk....Willow Region was good, a few rough areas...but overall decent
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    Oneida/Lincoln County 1/24

    We did receive 3-4 inches of powdery fluff last week, but nothing another inch of fluff last night as well...Trails took another beating over the weekend...with very heavy traffic...the main spur/railroad grade...the Hiawatha is in fair to poor condition with alot of snirt and...