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  1. P

    RPM not going to idle at stop signs Poo IQ CFI

    I have a CFI Polaris IQ 600 2010. When I'm on the trail going to stop signs I have to hit the brake to stop. The RPM remains close to 4000 and the sled will keep moving. When I hit the brake the RPM goes down to idle. It did not do this until today. It's my first run on the trails with a...
  2. P

    Just one more day...

    ...of this thaw in the Keewee! Then they're calling for snow!
  3. P

    One more for 4000 Indy

    If you didn't make it already!
  4. P

    Don't look at the weather weekenders!!!

    It will just depress you! By Saturday if you're heading up North it will be COLD! I believe the trails will maintain themselves for us to ride! *now I'm done counseling myself and hopefully others* :)
  5. P

    Getting the front ski spring adjustment correct

    Okay, I'm trying to understand how to stop darting by using the right and left shock springs. If I lift up the front of my sled and turn each of the nuts clockwise and put more tension on the springs; does this decrease ski pressure? I thought that I understood that the above was the case even...
  6. P

    Opinions on side by sides

    I was looking at one of the Polaris Rzr 800. It's 50" wide so that it's legal to ride on MI trails. I thought this might be a nice toy for the lady and I. Also, it seems it would be good to haul my 12ft boat on the trailer or just simply go off on a 2 track in the middle of nowhere. I was...
  7. P

    Does March typically offer good riding in the UP

    I was going to schedule some more trips in March. Would this be a waste of time or are the temps and snowfall usually good? If I recall last year it started to melt down around the third week of February and didn't stop. I usually go to the Munising area. Thanks
  8. P

    Wetmore on the week of Feb. 2

    My bro and I will be staying in Wetmore at the Cherrywood on Wed. thru Sat. We'll definitely be eating at the Cherrywood bar on Friday for the Whitefish all you can eat basket. Maybe they'll still have the Hopslam available :) We have a couple of Polaris IQs. We ride fast and slower...try to...
  9. P

    121" paddle track vs. 136" track

    I've been contemplating getting a longer track sled. I have a 2010 IQ Shift with the stock .92 track and 1.07 studs. It doesn't do that well in deep snow. I'm trying to get around buying a different sled. What would you recommend? What size lug? Studs on a short track with deep lug for...
  10. P

    Modular 2 insulated mask

    Has anyone used the mask that you put on the breath box? I haven't used it because it is kind of bulky but after the cold week of riding I was wishing that I had brought it and tried it for a day. Any opinions on this or easier way to put it on?
  11. P

    IQ track not moving easy

    I have a 2007 IQ 600. I unloaded the sled after sitting for about 3 weeks. During the 3 week period of time, there was a thaw then it got cold again. I saw no snow on the suspension whatsoever. When I unloaded it for this weeks trip, the track was froze. I bounced it on the ground many...
  12. P

    Who would like to meet up 1/19-1/21 in Munising?

    I was planning a trip up there for the above dates. I like to run the trails and I'm up for some off trail. I don't know the off trail too well though but am down with anything. Drinking when we're done riding is a must :) Then eating and sleeping!
  13. P

    Looking for primary spring (team industries)

    I'm trying to find a 140/330 green primary spring to put on my 2007 Polaris IQ 600 ho. I cannot seem to find this thing on anyone's website! Does anyone have a part number or a place to buy it from? Thanks!
  14. P

    Big THANK YOU to the groomers!

    I'm just sitting here reminiscing of my last trip to Munising (eagerly waiting for the next one) and thinking of all of the trails where I was the first to ride on. We passed the groomers at least 5 times. I'm not sure if guys are getting paid to drive those things or if they're just...
  15. P

    If Munising doesn't have snow...where to?

    I have a trip planned on 1/12 to go to Munising and ride the trails. If Munising does not have adequate snow I was just going to keep driving west. Where would you go to as a second/closest place? I'm driving from Ohio. Thanks
  16. P

    Clipper System

    Hi John, What exactly is a "clipper system?" Thanks
  17. P

    Updates on Polaris IQ 600

    Does anyone know of where to find info on updates on a 2007 and 2010 IQ 600? Would calling a Polaris dealer be the best option? Thanks
  18. P

    New Years backup plan

    Well, since it looks like my New Years plans for riding sleds in the UP are cancelled, I'm looking for other options. What are you guys doing? Is there anything fun to do in the UP in the winter besides snowmobiling? Maybe my girl and I will just stay in OH and save some money darn it! I...
  19. P

    Spitting Snow?

    I just thought that I'd rant a bit. Have you ever stopped on the side of the trail (a bit off the trail) with your group to see what's wrong with a sled? Or, stop at a stop sign to chat? Then, some guys see you chilling there, then they slow down, only to put the throttle down and spit snow...
  20. P

    Studded center and no outside wheels

    I have a 2010 IQ Shift 600 that has 96 studs in the center only. The sled came with 2 wheels in the back in the center but no outside wheels. I was going to put them on but then decided not to. Does anyone understand what the difference is with and without the outside wheels? Do you think...