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  1. A

    3-15-19...Northwoods updated

    Trails did take a hit with the warm weather and rain the past three days....however...there is still some good riding to be had. Road crossings of course are bad, and normal wet areas have some standing did cool off last night, and that did tighten up some of the soft areas...lakes...
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    2/27/19 Wisconsin Northwoods

    Add 3 to 4 more inches of snow to what we already have...snowed lightly all night last night...we are now over 60 inches for the month of February...over 100 inches for the entire area this season (with some areas approaching 110 inches)..I realize some of my yooper buddies are laughing at...
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    2-21-19 Northwoods of Wisconsin

    Tons of snow...another 5 to 7 inches yesterday...a new record set for snowfall in one far 40 plus inches in February and it's not done...with another massive storm headed our way for the weekend...anywhere from 8 to 16 inches could fall (depending on who you believe)..and there is...
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    Tried a 900 ace (my impression)

    Got the chance to ride last weekend, and rode a borrowed 2014 ski-doo 900 ace tnt...nice little sled...I put a little over 300 miles on it, and averaged 21 had plenty of snap down low, and I hit 85 mph with my big butt on it...its a very smooth quiet sled. Always wanted to try one...I...
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    Slow down while hauling your sleds!!!

    Had several accidents yesterday on hwy 51, between Tomahawk, and Wausau, and its black ice in the same section again today (more vehicles, in the ditch) .. Several trucks pulling snowmobile trailers were involved yesterday...not trying to point fingers...but I had several of these big trucks and...
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    2-11-19 Tomahawk, Northwoods update

    We received another 3 to 4 inches of snow all of the sudden the snow is piling up in the northwoods...and we are under a winter warning for another 8 plus tonight, and through the day tomorrow...AND another two to four inches is expected thursday. The riding doesnt get better...
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    2-6-19 Wisconsin northwoods update!!!

    Snow fell last night...anywhere from 3.5 to 8 inches...expecting another 1 to 2 overnight tonight, with a winter storm watch in place for much of the northwoods for thursday...where we could see another 4 to 8 inches...some areas will have a foot plus of fresh snow by Saturday morning. The...
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    Northern Wisconsin update 1-23-19

    We didnt get the big snow we wanted...however we did get some (2 to 3 inches)..and it freshened things up a bit...trails look very good this morning, in and around minocqua, and lac du flambeau...if I didnt have to work today, I'd be out riding..its currently lightly snowing in ldf..just...
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    Northwoods Wisconsin updated 1-6-19

    Yes we had a bit of a melt down....south facing areas that are open or near roads lost snow cover...however back in the wooded areas held up well...we have an excellent ice base...riders I spoke with yesterday were surprised how good the trails were, and none regretted heading out...that being...
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    Kid went through the ice on nokomis....and another one went through in 3 lales

    We just had emts, sheriffs and dnr a kid went through the ice on one of those 120s...the kid is fine, we got him in the bar, and emts got him warmed up...they are in the process of recovering the sled right now. Nokomis is marked...but they were way off the marked trail, near the hwy...
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    Video from Vilas County groomer (cross country cruisers) 12-28-18
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    Tomahawk area -Northern Wisconsin 12-24-18

    No...the trails havent opened yet..however...if you are itching to ride..Lake Nokomis is marked, and ice fisherman are telling me 10 to 12 inches of ice, and we did receive a little snow yesterday, so there is a bit of lube for your slides. So...if u want to spin around you are welcome...
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    Northern Wisconsin update (vilas county)...not a great start

    We lack snow, and safe ice...unfortunately we have many lakes up here with unsafe ice conditions, and not much snow. Vilas county was supposed to open this week...but remain closed...the clubs will reevaluate the trails and make a determination on the 19th...have heard nothing from oneida or...
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    It's official....the fat lady has sung...Lincoln, Oneida, and Vilas now closed.

    There is still a lot of snow in the woods, and some lakes still have solid ice.but getting there is they pulled the plug... it's that time of the year...was a good season...far better than the last couple...time for me to get the motorcycle ready, and put the sleds away...see you...
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    Update 3/13/18 Minocqua-Tomahawk

    It didn't get as warm as predicted yesterday...and I woke up today to an inch of fresh snow and 20 Degrees today.....weird weather...Spoke with several riders the last two days..all said the wooded areas were still good...(getting there was getting harder, but they were ditch banging to get...
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    3-6-18 Minocqua-Tomahawk update

    2 to 4 inches of snow fell across the northwoods...the heavier snow went south...its wet packy snow...the wooded trails are real nice right now, and even some of the poor areas have improved....the question mark is will they hold up with warmer weather and direct sunlight by the I...
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    Minocqua-Tomahawk Update 3-1-18

    Trails took a BIG hit this week Two days of 50 degree plus weather didn't help....especially areas with direct sun light, and high traffic areas, all the roads were bare, and so were the parking lots...I say's currently snowing, and coming down at a good clip..already over...
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    Tomahawk-Minocqua Trails 2-22-18

    We didn't get the expected snowfall earlier this week, however we did get 1-2 inches across the area with an 1/8 to 1/4 inch of ice from freezing rain, and it's been cold at night (4 above this morning)...that little bit of ice, and snow has helped the high traffic areas a bit.. the railroad...
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    2-15-18 Tomahawk/Minocqua

    It was warm yesterday...but it's cooling off today, overnight we are supposed to get snow showers, and temps will be below zero (single digits). The wooded trails are still good to very good...the main corridors took a bit of a hit, especially through towns, and near road crossings... Any of...
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    2-8-18 Tomahawk-Minocqua

    Trails are Excellent right now!!! Took a short 70 mile loop this morning...most of the wooded trails are good to excellent (12W, 10A west, 10 W, 10 E, the C trail, and 11N)....even the Hiawatha, and Bearskin are decent ( a bit snirty in spots, especially road crossings, and the notorious high...