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  1. T

    salty dishes from dishwasher..a

    anyone ever have dishes after being washed in dishwasher come out completely covered in a salty film. dishwasher in a year old, i have not adjusted the water softener. getting too much salt? any ideas?
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    cloudy headlight covers..

    anyone try any of the kits they sell for cloudy oxidized looking head light covers. do they work? which would you recommed? thanx.
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    top end rebuild..

    what would is roughly cost on one piston at a dealership?
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    east coast storm..

    JD just wondering what your thinking is on the monster storm out east. Jim Cantore says they'll be measuring snow with a yard stick. sound like this will be epic for parts.
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    deleted thread???

    wondering what happened to the thread boogie wheel started about catching someone stealing from their bar?
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    Depressing forecast...

    I was hoping to see some "decent" snowfalls projected for norther wis. this morning. Looks like a dusting of snow where I go (NE Wis.) and rain down where I live is SE Wis. in the next ten days. That leaves about 40 days left of riding before the March sun starts to take its toll. When will...
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    Head lamp light bulb holder

    my back up sled blew a bulb so I replaced both of them. 99 mxz 600. Now I can't get the holder to fit back on the harness. Its a zinc plated yellow thing that is circular in shape about the size of the palm of your hand. The middle is cut out with these tabs that extrude out from it. I...
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    belts recyclable???

    i try to do my part to limit my carbon footprint as much as possible, i'm not a nut about it though. i have accumulated 5 belts over the years i'm gonna throw out. can i put them in my recyclable bin or the trash can? the bin has a list of stuff you should put in it and rubber is not on it...
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    voyagaire lake camera..

    what happened to the nice camera overlooking the lake? its now a construction site?
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    head light on ski doo...

    i need to replace the light bulb on my 99 mxz 600. I got access to it i just can't get the bulb out. It doesn't push turn and pull like most bulbs. I was pulling turning pushing trying to get it out to the point I could start to hear the glass wanting to crack. It doesn't budge something...
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    no question here. just wanted to say the pictures you take of your daughter sleeping with the dogs are priceless!
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    hey john...

    the date on the picture of the front of your house says feb. 1......just saying.
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    winning bid.??

    John did anyone bid on the sled that is being refurbished?
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    another fifty...

    degree day today. wasn't supposed to be this warm! its like 50 once a week now for the last 2 months. suppose to be 50 tomorrow and mid fifties on tuesday. the beat goes on....
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    faded wood..

    John I've wondered for years why on your cabin is the wood on the base of the wall look so faded from the rest of the cabin. I'm talking the picture you post of the front of the house the left wall, it looks like the wood is way lighter color than the rest. Just curious. Thanks.
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    what is the difference? I think hail is more of a spring/summer event, where as sleet would be when the temps are hovering around freezing?
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    At $11,200 and 485 miles for the season I just paid $23.00 per mile. (not including gas, oil, food and beverages). Ouch!!
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    christmas wreath...

    john, you should start a contest on when you will take down your christmas wreath. LOL.
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    german short hair pointers

    I have a pointer that is 10 years old and tore his right rear hamstring last year. After the vet sewed it back up he mentioned that his other hamstring would probably tear in about a year. Sure enough I think he tore it as he can't really walk and doesn't want to do anything. The vet said this...