1990 Indy 650 summer restoration...

Looks awesome! Nothing like the sound of those triples!
Those 650s and 500s were the bomb back in the day. They were everywhere when you went up north!


Well-known member
Wow! The sled looks incredible! Love the stock graphics with the black and the updated skis just work with the whole look.

Now you have a piece of your sledding history that you can keep (and ride) forever. Congratulations on sticking with it and not compromising on the quality you were after in the build.


Well-known member
Thanks, a TON of time and effort and I'm not done. Few kinks to iron out but man, that first ride was fun


Well-known member
Well, since people seem to enjoy following the progress. First ride wasn't 100% successful. Overheated the sled because of a waterpump failure that I think was caused by a pinched heat exchanger which was caused by stud damage from a track that was to loose/had to little clearance at the front. Plan of action....Ordered used waterpump, ordering new heat exchanger and switching from 9 to 8 tooth drivers to create an extra 3/8" clearance at the front of the track. Should be plenty of room now. Hopefully I can ride it one more time and then I will decide wether or not I need to re-gear to account for driver change.


Active member
Sorry to hear about your sled overheating, and the damage to the heat exchanger.
the sled looks stunning and I hope you can get back on the snow soon.


Active member
I have never personally replaced a front heat exchanger, but as you found out they are a real bear to do. I had a dealer quote me $1000.00 at least 10 years ago on my 1992 indy 500 and it ended up being a bad hose.........I said no way I will fix it myself.
cost me $100.00 for a pressure tester and $27.00 for the correct hose......that is the closest I have been. Good luck Mike