Here's the current status as of Monday Afternoon...
Two helicopters are sweeping Lake Winnebago in the search, and Winnebago County Sheriff's Lt. John Zimmerman characterized the search this afternoon as a recovery effort, not a rescue.
A command post has been set up in Menasha's Jefferson Park as authorities continue the search. Neenah-Menasha Fire Rescue and the Oshkosh Fire Department both have stationed Husky air boats at the park — the boats are capable of traversing water and ice.
Zimmerman said searchers are "trying to make the best of the daylight we have now."
Sunset is at 4:38 p.m. today.
The helicopters — a U.S. Coast Guard chopper based in Traverse City, Mich., and the Eagle III medical helilcopter based in Green Bay — are working in conjunction to look for signs of the men.
The Coast Guard helicopter started its search at Fond du Lac and is proceeding north, said Neenah-Menasha Fire Rescue Assistant Chief Mike Sipin, and the Eagle III helicopter is searching from north to south.
Gary Kerkman, a member of the Paynes Point Hook and Spear Fishing Club, said a crack in the ice runs from the mouth of the river Neenah and Menasha all the way south to Fond du Lac.
Kerkman said the crack is large, and its width varies day to day. The club has placed a steel bridge over the crack to allow travelers to cross from one side to the other.