2012 M review


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I pulled this off of Snowest, rider is known as DamDave on there.

Can I keep it???
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e8e8e8; COLOR: #e8e8e8" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->sorry this took so long but I was riding all weekend, I have my priorities

So I was one of the lucky few that got to ride the 2012 Cat mountain sleds, I am not a writer so take it easy on me please
, but I will try to give you a feel for the new 2012 Proclinb.

My personnel ride: 2011M8 162 SP stock with can, I have owned 5 M series sleds, it fits me and I have a great dealer so I have been on Cat for awhile

I got to play with them for about 3 hours, we had a mixture of engineering mules and pre production units (PP), and a stock 2011 M8 153, it was cool to look over the mules and see the progress of these things, the fit and finish of the pre production units was very good for a early unit. All sleds had Float 2 shocks except HCR

Snow was holding up very well, and they got a little fresh the night before

They had some in the shop with the bodies off and I watched them put one together, it only took him a few minutes to put all 3 panels on, the guy said they are very easy to work on out on the trail.
So I rode the 2011 M8 153 half way in on the whooped out goat trails and that really gave me a chance to compare them later, half way in I switched to the PP 1100T HCR with conventional steering, I really wanted to see what this would do so every time I found some room I was spooling her up! WOW the 1100T is for real, a real WOW sled, big power fasted sled I have ever been on very fun power, but…….it did have the conventional steering and I just can’t get used to that, I am a stand up rider and it just fought with me in the trees, hated it on the goat trail but only because of the steering.

Rode into the play area and saw a big hill with nice fresh powder, pointed the HCR at the hill and held on, WOW went up way to fast with skis 4 feet in the air right over the top, did that a few times and the raw power was addicting but I needed to share so I traded for the PP M800 162 Vertical steering.

PP M800 162 Vertical steering., Ahh, this sled felt nice, very finished and the bars were perfect, landed right in your hands, spent about ½ hour playing on this, went right over the hill with skis in the air, no problem, went and found some tight trees to play in, I was throwing this thing around effortlessly if I want to turn I stepped on that running board and it turned instantly, just like my 2011 M8 only more precise, no push and the steering is so easy it felt like it had power steering compared the 2011 M

Traded for a Mule M800 153 Vertical steering, another nice sled just not as nice as the PP unit, went back in the trees again and was having a ball, wore myself out so went down for a break.

Had a break and talked to engineers about the steering on the 4 strokes, after I rested a bit the Engineer suggested I try the mule 1100T , they had one engineering mule 1100T with a prototype vertical post setup and 38 wide a arms, so I took that out and right away I could tell it was different, totally different beast set up this way, can't be compared to the 1100 HCR I rode with conventional steering, that one felt way heavier and fought me, this one was very fun and felt lighter, amazing what a difference the bars make and that turbo power put a smile on my face that is still there 2 days later.

Traded for another mule M800 162 and went looking for fresh trees to bash, I was really getting used to this new chassis now, very fun sleds very precise steering very easy steering, very easy to toss around once you got used to them.

It was time to go so they gathered us up, somebody wanted the mule M800 so I traded for the PP M800 162 again, my favorite sled, we headed out on that goat trail that beat the crap out of me riding the 2011 M8 that morning, different story now, these new sleds are just flat awesome banging down those whooped out trails, WOW I was jumping off the whoops banging around corners and it did everything I asked, no push in the corners at all, very precise steering

I was really loving this sled already so when the engineer stopped to let others catch up I asked him if I could take this one home, he just laughed and said he didn’t think that was possible.

Chassis, very ridge and precise, feet are flat in foot well so no more smashed toes, stand on sled and it just feel right, this is the sled I have been waiting for.

Vertical steering: very nice, my choice for standing, bars land right in the hands, adjustable post does not come toward you anymore as you pull bars up, there position does not change just height, as for them being to tall! They are adjustable aren’t they?

1100T: WOW, big power, sounds very nice, very throaty exhaust and the turbo chirp, you know you love it yes it a bit heavy but with Vertical steering I could enjoy this sled a lot, if I had the money to own 2 sleds I would have one of these, really

M800: my favorite, what can I say, it has the best engine in the industry and now it has a new home, I was worried when I learned they were messing with my M sled but not anymore, I rode my M8 today, it took me 4 hours to feel at home on there again, really, the new sled just feels right, very nice balance without losing the good traits of old M

Conclusion, I will snow check a 2012 M800 SP


Well-known member
Sounds like they knocked it out of the park with these new sleds. I also saw an interview with Rasmussen. He said it will take a few minutes to get used to the new chassis. They roll over easier once you get used to the thing? Seems hard to believe. He also said that sidehilling is super easy on these things.

I wonder how they did the vertical post on the 1100t mule?

I'm impressed with all the changes. Seems like Cat thought about these things quite a bit before bringing them to the market. Same chassis components help keep build costs down so they brought some extra goodies to the sled. Stainless steel exhaust on all new models and the magnesium chaincase are a couple of things.:D

Thanks Skylar. It is nice to see some real riding info.
whats he talking about dont understand mule//those r utvs/ and 2 diff steering post situations on 1100 turbo?
He said in the beginning, "we had a mixture of engineering mules and pre production units (PP)"
Sounds like the PP proclimb 1100's have different steering set-up compared to the proclimb 800's.


Well-known member
the 1100 has the post over the top of the motor like a doo xp with arc stering as opposed to the old M style and some new proclimb that comes up ftom the top of the cooler for a vert post.but I guess you will be abel to get a vert post for the 1100 if you want as a factory kit.think they are trying to give both styels for guys coming from other brands what they are use to


Well-known member
The vertical post is only being offered as an option on the 8 hondo from the factory. I would expect to see some aftermarket stuff soon for the turbo.


Jared session says the PC 1100t comes in at 640lb full of gas ready to ride......

I really wish this were true but talking with the engineers at the dealer meeting they said it was 560lbs. and I dont think they were talking with a full tank of gas. Just dont want anybody misled. The ones that were there that had rode the M1100T did say that the weight was very neutral and that it handled very well.



Rule #2: How to Prepare for Snowmobiling

Fill a 45-gallon barrel with sand. Lower it into a hole. Now lift it out.

If you can, add water to the sand and try it again. Do this 5 times per day.

This will get your back in shape for lifting your sled out of the deep snow.