2012 Polaris 800 engine burn down, any ideas?


Well-known member
Really thats funny cuz the recall has been out for well over 2 mo the rags like sno tech have talked about the nut that did not get torqued correct buy the robot so the dealler in mercer is living under a rock or some other explanation lets see what could be the other explanation for the last statment.

Yep I also read the cure in Snowtech so dealer must be asleep at the wheel. Just a loose nut tighten it & fixed very easily.


New member
Well to clear up a few questions, the only fuel I ran in this sled was Non Oxy from MN. I bought it at Fleet farm in Blaine. It was a 91 octane pump and from person observations this pump is under very heavy use by people daily. I'm very confident that it was not a bad fuel issue. Secondly the fuel I used out west was from this station. I took 37.5 gallons with me on the trip and did not buy fuel in the mountains, so it wasn't a low octane problem. Third, the same fuel was in my sled in the UP when it failed.

As far as how I was running it, I was traveling approx 50-55 mph and holding a steady half throttle. I had the scratchers down and the engine was at a steady 127 degrees F. Air temp was about 15-18 degrees F.

The latest parts list from the shop said it needs a head, 2 pistons, 2 jugs, rods and a crank. Pretty much everything but the lower case halves. After hearing this it sounded like a lack of oil getting to the engine. Bad oild pump? Not set correctly? Anyway I again questioned them and they are "looking into " why it burned down. They still have no idea. By the way this is a very large shop, probably the biggest in the state so hearing that concerns me.

I'm really leaning away from a fuel burn down and more towards a lack of oil issue causing the engine to lock up. This is now going on three weeks in the shop with little or no answers. And even worse than That i get a call every week asking question that polaris wants to know. Last week was what altitude I was at and the air temp. All valid, however they already knew the answer. I sit here wondering what news I will get tomorrow when they open...


New member
Sounds like Polaris knows they have a problem and they don't know the root cause. Rods and crank? Definitely sounds oil related. Wow.


If rods and crank......probably not fuel related. or TPS related. or stator related. I think you are on to a new issue here. Hence, all the Polaris questions. Keep us updated, please.


New member
I am not to excited about the 55:1 ratio mine is set at. I have added extra oil to most all of the tanks of gas from the start. I also leave in the yellow plug that is for lower octane gas. I run the 91 or 93 anyways. So far no issues at 1100miles.


Well-known member
I am not to excited about the 55:1 ratio mine is set at. I have added extra oil to most all of the tanks of gas from the start. I also leave in the yellow plug that is for lower octane gas. I run the 91 or 93 anyways. So far no issues at 1100miles.

I think most old school riders are adding a bit of oil per tank on the doo's and poos .logic tells you a qt of oil per 3 tanks of fuel cant be good for the internals it just cant.The oem know it but are pushed in to a corner buy the epa and cant come out and say well you should turn up your oil pump 1 turn just to be safe


New member
I think most old school riders are adding a bit of oil per tank on the doo's and poos .logic tells you a qt of oil per 3 tanks of fuel cant be good for the internals it just cant.The oem know it but are pushed in to a corner buy the epa and cant come out and say well you should turn up your oil pump 1 turn just to be safe
I believe that these issues I hear about has to do with lean oil settings. Heck Smurfrider burns about 2 quarts of oil to a tank of gas in his 09 Doo 800R and no issues. doesn't go through plugs either. He rides it hard and will NOT get it adjusted leaner. Oil is cheaper than a rebuild is his thoughts. A two stroke is not a clean efficient motor by design, but it can wind up like no other!!!


Well-known member
Last year snowtech listed some performance tips for the Poo 800's, from a speed shop. One of the tips was to add some oil to the tank. An issue or so later, snowtech followed up by stating that Polaris contacted them to tell them that adding oil is not necessary or recommended. Seemed strange to me that Polaris would jump on that, but I thought it must be something to do with the EPA and the new requirements...


Well-known member
And even worse than That i get a call every week asking question that polaris wants to know. Last week was what altitude I was at and the air temp. All valid, however they already knew the answer. I sit here wondering what news I will get tomorrow when they open...

I know this does not help much but I would agree Polaris know something is up. Weather they know what it is or not they won't tell you untill they are done so they can give you the bad news about this expensive paper weight you bought from them and good news its fixed at the same time.

GM did this to me when my 07 Acadia broke a piston skirt at 35,000 miles.(Really, a piston skirt! When was the last time you heard of a problem like that on a new car?) The dealer, which I like, would call and give me enough info to show me they were working on it. In the end GM want to rebuild my engine, I told the dealer no way, I would not except anything but a new engine, and that is what I got. Also got a letter last week that some parts are still failing and they are adding a 1yr to my Warranty. big deal I want it fixed, correctly!

Good Luck with the sled.


New member
Well the parts have been ordered per the dealer (2 Jugs, 2 pistons, 2 rods, and a crank). If you’re asking me with 175 miles the least Polaris could have done is install a complete new mill. The best part of this rebuild is they still have no idea why it seized. I figured the least they would do is put a new oil pump in. This is going on 4 or 5 weeks in the shop, I have lost count at this point due to how long it has been. Funny thing is if this was a car they would be forced to buy it back with such a long repair stint. But being it is a recreational vehicle I'm at their mercy.

I have come to realize they can't or "wont" tell me what caused this failure and have left me with only one choice. I refuse to ride a new sled that has proven to be unreliable and a compay that isn't willing to smooth things over with a dissatisfied customer. I'm left with one impression, the gremlins are not truly out of the Polaris 800's as they said they were.

So after spending almost 12K for this sled last fall I ended up renting a sled for 2 of my 3 trips and spending another $1300 in renatls fees. You would think Polaris would do something to smooth over customer relations, nope just a sorry sir there isn't anything we can do. And to that I say, A new 13 Summit X is being ordered in the next week. Sorry Polaris I gave you guys a shot and you blew it, literally...


Well-known member
Well the parts have been ordered per the dealer (2 Jugs, 2 pistons, 2 rods, and a crank). If you’re asking me with 175 miles the least Polaris could have done is install a complete new mill. The best part of this rebuild is they still have no idea why it seized. I figured the least they would do is put a new oil pump in. This is going on 4 or 5 weeks in the shop, I have lost count at this point due to how long it has been. Funny thing is if this was a car they would be forced to buy it back with such a long repair stint. But being it is a recreational vehicle I'm at their mercy.

I have come to realize they can't or "wont" tell me what caused this failure and have left me with only one choice. I refuse to ride a new sled that has proven to be unreliable and a compay that isn't willing to smooth things over with a dissatisfied customer. I'm left with one impression, the gremlins are not truly out of the Polaris 800's as they said they were.

So after spending almost 12K for this sled last fall I ended up renting a sled for 2 of my 3 trips and spending another $1300 in renatls fees. You would think Polaris would do something to smooth over customer relations, nope just a sorry sir there isn't anything we can do. And to that I say, A new 13 Summit X is being ordered in the next week. Sorry Polaris I gave you guys a shot and you blew it, literally...

Crazy. Can't buy anything anymore without an extended warranty, and that doesn't cover the fact you lost a season.


Well-known member
Bummer deal. The season was short enouph without any problems. It would be nice to know the reason for the burndown. Did anyone confirm that the oil pump was working? You would just been running out of the premix tank with those miles.


Well-known member
Well the parts have been ordered per the dealer (2 Jugs, 2 pistons, 2 rods, and a crank). If you’re asking me with 175 miles the least Polaris could have done is install a complete new mill. The best part of this rebuild is they still have no idea why it seized. I figured the least they would do is put a new oil pump in. This is going on 4 or 5 weeks in the shop, I have lost count at this point due to how long it has been. Funny thing is if this was a car they would be forced to buy it back with such a long repair stint. But being it is a recreational vehicle I'm at their mercy.

I have come to realize they can't or "wont" tell me what caused this failure and have left me with only one choice. I refuse to ride a new sled that has proven to be unreliable and a compay that isn't willing to smooth things over with a dissatisfied customer. I'm left with one impression, the gremlins are not truly out of the Polaris 800's as they said they were.

So after spending almost 12K for this sled last fall I ended up renting a sled for 2 of my 3 trips and spending another $1300 in renatls fees. You would think Polaris would do something to smooth over customer relations, nope just a sorry sir there isn't anything we can do. And to that I say, A new 13 Summit X is being ordered in the next week. Sorry Polaris I gave you guys a shot and you blew it, literally...

well they figure with the economy just roaring along people with endless supply of disposable income to spend on toys they don't need excellent customer service.
just keep quit and be happy you got a rebuild.
Hay before you leave did you hear we have a belt drive this yr? so if you want to spend 13k more on toys we will be happy to stick you with the same power plant.but it has belt drive trust us it was just a fluke what happened to you. we never had any thing like that happen before.did we tell you it has belt drive.