Well to clear up a few questions, the only fuel I ran in this sled was Non Oxy from MN. I bought it at Fleet farm in Blaine. It was a 91 octane pump and from person observations this pump is under very heavy use by people daily. I'm very confident that it was not a bad fuel issue. Secondly the fuel I used out west was from this station. I took 37.5 gallons with me on the trip and did not buy fuel in the mountains, so it wasn't a low octane problem. Third, the same fuel was in my sled in the UP when it failed.
As far as how I was running it, I was traveling approx 50-55 mph and holding a steady half throttle. I had the scratchers down and the engine was at a steady 127 degrees F. Air temp was about 15-18 degrees F.
The latest parts list from the shop said it needs a head, 2 pistons, 2 jugs, rods and a crank. Pretty much everything but the lower case halves. After hearing this it sounded like a lack of oil getting to the engine. Bad oild pump? Not set correctly? Anyway I again questioned them and they are "looking into " why it burned down. They still have no idea. By the way this is a very large shop, probably the biggest in the state so hearing that concerns me.
I'm really leaning away from a fuel burn down and more towards a lack of oil issue causing the engine to lock up. This is now going on three weeks in the shop with little or no answers. And even worse than That i get a call every week asking question that polaris wants to know. Last week was what altitude I was at and the air temp. All valid, however they already knew the answer. I sit here wondering what news I will get tomorrow when they open...