Fine, then don't believe me. Just sayin' what i know, if this was false info, i'd probably not be posting it on this site. Sure i may not have the facts to back it up but i don't carry around URL links in my back pocket. Post sounded a lil harsh but that's the only way i can think of wording it.
Your enthusiasm and passion for the sport of snowmobiling is undeniable. The very future of the sport snowmobiling is and will be strongly influenced by you, particularly by you and the other young enthusiast that share this passion. That being said, I think it very important that as an ambassador of your generation, that you clearly understand the distinction between fact and hearsay. It is imperative that you truly understand this distinction if you're ever going to get people to take you seriously. I've read several of the 3280 or so posts you've stamped on this site and felt that some (not all) of the advise or comments you've made where mostly based upon what you may have overheard or read and not necessarily based upon first hand experience or actual fact. I'm pretty sure that just about everybody is guilty of doing this at one time or another, I know that I am. There is a big difference between "Just saying what I know" and "Just saying what I've heard".