2013 Mountain sleds reviews


Well-known member
U must be related to PORKER.
I dont think u 2 could make a box of Kleenex last more than 15 min in a poo show room


Active member
You drinking or trying to make us think your "so cool" because you've got the best mountain sled again??? Not that I care but the summary in the first article states that the XM slightly edges out the Pro . (Someone else's personal opinion of course.) Then what the heck is the second link there for? Those were from 2012 if you look at the time stamps on the post........


New member
You drinking or trying to make us think your "so cool" because you've got the best mountain sled again??? Not that I care but the summary in the first article states that the XM slightly edges out the Pro . (Someone else's personal opinion of course.) Then what the heck is the second link there for? Those were from 2012 if you look at the time stamps on the post........

None of the above.


New member
You drinking or trying to make us think your "so cool" because you've got the best mountain sled again??? Not that I care but the summary in the first article states that the XM slightly edges out the Pro . (Someone else's personal opinion of course.) Then what the heck is the second link there for? Those were from 2012 if you look at the time stamps on the post........
what's your issue ? it says mountain Sled reviews nothin about any particular sled. Have another beer.


Active member
what's your issue ? it says mountain Sled reviews nothin about any particular sled. Have another beer.

You posted the thread as 2013 Mountain Sled Reviews, and followed up with your second post stating...."Sled of the Year again! Booya!"............So whatever that means, knowing you were referring to Poo......, when looking at the links in your first post, the second one is a personal opinion from a sled forum in 2012. The first is a review of all 4 last year from Am Sno, and the summary states the following about their findings........... (Not that I care, but wanted to know what you were booya'ing about....)

The Verdict
The big question this year was if the new Summit would be good enough to knock the Pro-RMK off its pedestal atop the mountain segment.

With the Pro-RMK already being so good and with further improvements we knew it would be a tough match. Both the Polaris and Ski-Doo are absolutely incredible machines, but in some situations the Ski-Doo is stronger.

The Ski-Doo just edges out the Polaris in our book because of its motor and how exciting it is to ride. The Polaris is still more agile than the Ski-Doo when it comes to downhill sidehilling turns as the Ski-Doo rides a little too much on its side panels and isn’t in as much control at all times as is the Polaris.

Arctic is making progress toward regaining its top mountain sled stature but the M falls a little short. Its lack of front-end flotation really hurts its capabilities in deep snow. However with all the late changes made, this sled will be even better than it was when we tested it.

All three of these sleds work extremely well and in the right hands are capable of being ridden in seemingly impossible terrain. Picking a winner, or deciding which one to buy just gets harder and harder.

But this stiff competition between the manufacturers is producing great results for those of us who regularly ride the mountains.

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New member
magazine reviews need to be taken lightly, first sponsorship monies are the main source income for said magazines so they beat around the bush and make all the brands sound good. "they have done that for years" never really picking one or the other....with that said there is a TON brand loyalty and that is a good thing. These s;eds all do what they are intended for the biggest problem is most can not push the sled to the limits so the "my sled is better than your sled" is pure HOGWASH..........." ITS THE SAILOR NOT THE SHIP" you guys need to stop the brand blind bashing who care what each other rides who cares if snowmag says so!!!!I was labeled "brand blind" around here and that could not be farther from the truth. the biggest problem is the ones who cant seem to see past there nose when it comes to snowmobile brands instead of picking other brands apart why not start looking at how you ride? when I see someone that is 'brand blind" I let it go!! he is proud of his machine and why brow beat him about it....i mean geeze there someone on this site who swears by 1999 sled for all types of riding....


New member
magazine reviews need to be taken lightly, first sponsorship monies are the main source income for said magazines so they beat around the bush and make all the brands sound good. "they have done that for years" never really picking one or the other....with that said there is a TON brand loyalty and that is a good thing. These s;eds all do what they are intended for the biggest problem is most can not push the sled to the limits so the "my sled is better than your sled" is pure HOGWASH..........." ITS THE SAILOR NOT THE SHIP" you guys need to stop the brand blind bashing who care what each other rides who cares if snowmag says so!!!!I was labeled "brand blind" around here and that could not be farther from the truth. the biggest problem is the ones who cant seem to see past there nose when it comes to snowmobile brands instead of picking other brands apart why not start looking at how you ride? when I see someone that is 'brand blind" I let it go!! he is proud of his machine and why brow beat him about it....i mean geeze there someone on this site who swears by 1999 sled for all types of riding....

Agree. It is pretty hard for many of us to improve our "Sailor skills" when we can only get west or to the North only a few times a year.

Pat, I think we beat every and all topics snowmobiling to death on this site.