I have almost doubled the numbers of them here this yr from last yr, BUT my Grey squirrel numbers are about a 1/3 of what I had all winter, since about April they been going MIA fast here
never had that happen in all my yrs, and honestly I am GLAD< I was up to about 25 at once here all winter and now down to about 6 or so at most at one time now
I can see many times 6-8 chipmunks at a time here this yr, last yr, MAYBE m,ax of about 4 and then the wars would happen and chasing non stop for territory, this yr there seems to be so many they ain't fighting as much for space
its also a slower yr for bears here for me, Normally by this time I have about 12 or so, and so far this just 8 different one's I can ID
been having one rather large male (500+ lb range male) dogging a female all week, she's been playing hard to get too, she likes to come on my deck to HIDE from him, as for what ever reason he's scared to come up on my deck and she know's it
she will lay there an hr or so and he will pace back and forth grunting at her to come down
Both bears are what I call my regulars, they been coming to my yard now about 9 or 10 yrs each now, she has had 3 liters of cubs so far, so she is maybe about 12 yrs old and NOT sure on him, he did get caught in a state bear trap recently and got tagged, been trying to read its ear tag number and call in the # if I can , as if they pulled a tooth when they tagged him, I will be able to get a pretty accurate age, and of course weight of when he was tagged, tags are new this yr, he didn;t have them before denning up for winter, so he will be a little heavier now than when weighted after winter denning, but he's a big one for sure, he has a almost identical twin brother too, that is same size as he is I see often here!
and here are a few pic;s of him and her and a different female with just one cub this spring!
I average about 19 different bears in my YARD every yr, some more, some less, but an average of 19 is the norm per yr , for the past 20+ yrs, and have had ZERO damage from them too
we seem to get along pretty well here with them! and glad too, as there big powerful critters and can do damage if they wanted I am sure!