800 ves bogs when giving it gas


New member
bellows looked good cleaned my valves, pistons are in the correct way. it did not bog piror but i also had a pipe isped of the stock one. ran like a raped ape b4 it blew up. then it did run fine after the rebuild, for a day then i went and changed the 500 main to a 480 seeing i took the aftermarket pipe off. didnt have time to look at the fuel pump but weill be doing that in a little bit. slp ported cyls,


New member
Wow. After all you've done and checked, I went back and watched the video.

If its not the fuel pump, Take the ves valves apart and put the bellows on a flashlight. Thats how i found my very small pin hole in mine.
Also check the springs in the valves to make sure there not broke or weak. If the springs look ok and the bellows have no leaks, put them back togather,before u put them back in ,push the slide into the the bellow part to make sure they both come back out the same.

again good luck.


New member
well took fuel pump apart everythngs fine, and i also took my ves valves off. belloes are good no rips. going to go threw carbs for the 4th time. see if that helps.


New member
Fuel lines pinched? Vac line to the engine hooked up? Chokes stuck? These are the most common issues when amateurs play with their carbs.
Electrical connections good? Try disconnecting the black wire? If it's not fuel or air related then it's electrical.


New member
well got it running to a ridable state. had a master mess with air and fuel screws, so it was carb problems, shes snappy now. still has a minor backfire, seems a little rich but i can live with that hope i can get to find a few inches to test driv eit but i think its good to rip some hills.