My sister calls me to tell me that her 11 yo son brought a knife sharpener, that he had inherited from a friend of the family, to school with him. As he was showing it to a classmate his teacher sees the "weapon" and sends him not to the principal's office but to the local police station where my sister has to "bail" him out. Now keep in mind my nephew did not have a knife just the blunt ended knife sharpener. He ended up being suspended for 5 days!! There was never any agressive behavior displayed by my nephew with the implement in question. He was also terrified and confused when my sister picked him up as he, and I agree, did nothing wrong. To me this is total overkill. If it's inappropriate send him to the principal's office and have him/her explain why this is not acceptable. But how is a 5 day suspension furthering my nephew's education? Do the people in charge of our schools today have zero common sense. Please chime in and tell me what you think so I can forward the thoughts of good people like yourselves to his schoolboard.
Thank You,
Thank You,