Adopt a Military Dog program


New member
I couldn't pass up sharing these, since alot of members are dog owners , this may be appreciated by some of us.
I thought it was great.

Due to a rise of crime in our neighborhood, we just acquired a guard dog to protect our house. With the recent military cuts overseas, the U.S. government has developed a new program where citizens can apply to adopt retired military canines. The nice part is he is a year old and already fully trained by the U.S. Marine Corps. I’ve attached some photos of our new family member below...
For obvious reasons, we call him Killer. And, for your safety, UPON ARRIVING AT OUR HOME, please call our house from the driveway and REMAIN IN YOUR CAR
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Active member
Come to my house, you will be greeted by my "Dobe O Matic"
She is not trained for protection, but most people don't know that and are afraid of her anyway. Til she sniffs you out and has her OK, then it's "pet me pet me" time.


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New member
Thanks for sharing mjk.... I have passed that along with some funny replies from friends that know we adopt. ( we will not get a warning, won't see it coming...)
Lovemydobe, it is important to "get that 'OK' '' Several years ago as I was returning home, I had 5 young adults NOT FROM OUR SMALL UNINCORPORATED AREA decided to block my driveway as I put my turn signal indicator on to pull in. As they stood their ground, I considered getting out, but 5 against 1. I called the house and told the wife to let the dogs (Dobes) out the front door. Through the trees I saw the door open and the dogs out. I got out of the car and as the guys put their tough act on, I called the dogs. The Dobes were not happy and came charging, hair up, growling and all teeth. You never saw 5 people run so fast, leaving wallets, shoes and their basketballs behind. Figuring retaliation, I photo copied their Id's, leaving a copy with their belonging with a note telling them if anything ever happened to my property, me and the dogs were coming after them, AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Never saw them again.


Active member
Thanks for sharing mjk.... I have passed that along with some funny replies from friends that know we adopt. ( we will not get a warning, won't see it coming...)
Lovemydobe, it is important to "get that 'OK' '' Several years ago as I was returning home, I had 5 young adults NOT FROM OUR SMALL UNINCORPORATED AREA decided to block my driveway as I put my turn signal indicator on to pull in. As they stood their ground, I considered getting out, but 5 against 1. I called the house and told the wife to let the dogs (Dobes) out the front door. Through the trees I saw the door open and the dogs out. I got out of the car and as the guys put their tough act on, I called the dogs. The Dobes were not happy and came charging, hair up, growling and all teeth. You never saw 5 people run so fast, leaving wallets, shoes and their basketballs behind. Figuring retaliation, I photo copied their Id's, leaving a copy with their belonging with a note telling them if anything ever happened to my property, me and the dogs were coming after them, AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Never saw them again.

WOW That is great, but I have never been it that kind of situation, even living in Waterloo IA 5(now is very crime and drug infested) We have a driveway alert that goes off if anyone(including deer) that goes off in the house.Hubby gets upset when my Skye barks at any little sound here, but I tell him let her bark cause if I ever go back to IA, it will be a plus. Like I have said before, most people are afraid of "those scary Dobermans" . Hope Hailey is doing fine, give her a BIG hug, may she live a long life and bring you more joy in her senior years.
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