From the Washington Post
What if I don’t want to buy insurance?
First off: Nobody will come knocking down your door, demanding that you purchase a health plan. But if you decide not to purchase coverage, you will have to pay a $95 tax penalty. This would be deducted from your 2015 tax return.
How will the government know if I have health insurance?
You’ll have to tell them, via the taxes that you file for 2014. Starting then, the Internal Revenue Service will send out a form where you’ll fill in the type of health plan you purchased (or, if you didn’t purchase coverage, noting that fact). Employers might hand out pre-populated versions of these forms to make things a little bit easier.
Will the government send gunmen to track me down if I’m not insured?
Creepy Uncle Sam will not come find you if you don't have health insurance (YouTube)
Creepy Uncle Sam will not come find you if you don't have health insurance. (YouTube)
While this is a popular Obamacare myth, it is, in fact, untrue: The federal government is actually really limited in the action it can take to collect the tax penalty for not purchasing health coverage. It can’t send agents to your door, nor can it put a lien on your house. The most they can do is take the fine out of your tax refund – or, if you’re not getting a refund this year, put it on your tab for next year’s refund.
What if I can’t find an affordable plan? Do I still have to buy something?
Nope! Although it’s the government, not you, who gets to decide what counts as “affordable.” The health care law says that if you can’t find a plan that costs less than 8 percent of your income, then you’re exempt from the requirement to purchase health insurance. This will, obviously, depend a lot on an individual’s circumstances and not the sticker price of the plans sold on the new marketplaces.