What I find interesting is how all the emphasis is on building or "fabricating" as some like to call it. I understand that metal working is a skill and thus it takes skill to build these bikes. But most or even all of those skills can be taught. It just takes some folks longer to reach a certain level.
Design is a talent that is very hard to teach. In fact, I would say that pure artistic design can't be taught. It is a skill that someone posses or not.
I can build just about anything out of wood- given enough time and the proper tools. Ask to me to design from scratch some of the works of furniture I see designed by others and there is no way. Not in my lifetime anyway. When I sit down to design something, I am almost always borrowing from works I have seen already and combining concepts to come up with my own "design".
I'd agree on the design side. Some people just have the instincts and creativity. On the fab side I disagree somewhat...I believe the mechanical abilty is born into the person. The best guys are the ones who just "get it" there are others who can overcome and teach themselves but still nowhere near the others. JMO